Friday, December 3, 2010

Oh, Blog Is Bigger...It's Bigger Than You and You Are Not Me!

I am blogging early today because Fabio has a basketball tournament later today. It's a two-day tournament and I think they may be in a little trouble. Today they play St. Mary School - Sycamore and St. Joseph School - Aurora. Then tomorrow, depending on how they do against those two schools they play either: St. Andrew - Rock Falls, Cornerstone Christian Academy or St. Mary School - Dekalb. If there is a basketball god do you think he is going to root for a school called Huntley Middle School over all of the schools honoring Saints and Christians? We don't have a basketball's chance in Hell. I am blogging mildly buzzed today so please forgive me. Sugar Momma and I had lunch at Bien Trucha in Geneva (I will eventually review it on Yelp) and I can tell you that the margaritas are muy bueno and mucho fuerte. It doesn't help that I was already light-headed from deplasmification today.

As long as we're on religion I may as well offend everyone all in the same blog. I went to donate plasma and I forgot my M.H.; right after I made a big deal and blogged how I loved going there because it gave me time to read. Thank goodness for Roz so I listened to a few more of those Stuff You Missed in History Class podcasts. I listened to one about Theodore Roosevelt and one about Jewish Pirates...I didn't even know there were Jewish Pirates. The one I took the most away from, however, was one called How Thomas Jefferson's Bible Worked. I have had questions about religion my whole adult life. I know most of you question your faith, at least from time to time, and I have always envied those of you how do not. As you can tell by most of my blogs I don't always go with the flow. Today, the day that I am going to watch basketball at St. Mary School in Dekalb, I will walk through those hallowed doors and know what I can call myself now. I am a Deist (<--- awesome song); the same as Thomas Jefferson. I have always known it but never knew what the name for what I am was (be nice). I believe that there is a god but I believe in the clockmaker (watchmaker) theory. That she made the world and put all of the gears and pieces together and got it all running and now it operates on its own. As long as there are no problems the clock runs great and maybe if we break it badly enough she will step in and fix it but in the meantime she just looks at it once in awhile, admires her works and listens to it tick. Deism covers everything from atheism to christian rationalism...I am somewhere in the MIDDLE (not surprisingly).  Jefferson believed, as I do, that  "morality and behaving in an ethical and responsible way is first and foremost - not believing in religion or miracles." Love thy neighbor! I could blog on but you get the picture. I realize I may smoke a turd in Hell for blogging this but if I am wrong God knows what I am thinking anyway so I may was well blog it, right?

There was another article in the paper this week about the murder case of NIU freshman Toni Keller. It talked about some of the issues of the case, nothing new really, but it mentioned where the killer (alleged killer, I guess, though it sounds like he is confessing) lived. He lived in an apartment building right across the street from where Fabio goes to school. Seriously...right across the street. Love thy neighbor but keep a close eye on him all the while. I guess we don't have to worry about this one anymore. Just makes me think about it even more and realize that we always must be vigilant.

When we were driving to Geneva today I saw a guy at the corner of Randall Road and Fabyan Parkway with a sign saying he was homeless... He was much more well-groomed and better dressed than the ones we have in Dekalb and the one I saw in Lombard; he must be new to the franchise. He's got a great location...lots of traffic. Isn't it weird how they are all coming out at Christmas time? Why don't they get bells and red buckets? That's what I would try. Walk up and down by the cars wearing a Santa hat ringing a bell with a red bucket in your hand. I should start a business consulting firm for street-side sign-holders. I only want 20% of their daily take. Ching Ching!!! Even if they really are homeless, which I am convinced they are not or I wouldn't be blogging about them, they need to be a little more creative, that's all I'm bloggin'. This guy had rule #1 down though - location, location, location!

Who else can I offend today? Honestly I hope I didn't offend anyone. My twisted views probably make you feel better about yourself. I haven't told you for a while but just know that I appreciate you stopping by here whenever you can. I also appreciate the kind words that you send my way; I don't even mind the unkind ones every now and then. Tomorrow I don't know when I will blog because I have more basketball tournament in the morning and late afternoon I am working at a Chinese Acrobat show (Golden Dragons). Maybe I'll check and see where they stand on the whole Deism thing. I will blog you sometime tomorrow but it will probably be late after I have become an unofficial Golden Dragon. Sianara, or is that Japanese? Now I have offended the entire East too!  TTTT...MITM off!

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