Friday, April 30, 2010

My Last Will & Testament

First and foremost Happy 22nd Anniversary Sugar Lumps! In college I called her "Juggs", "Special Name" and "Sweet Meat" (wow those are all bad nicknames). She called me "Sweetness" and "Fart". Now her friends have new names to call Sugar Momma; won't she be thrilled? ("No", the answer to that question is probably "no"). She was the flower of my youth, my Sweet Baboo, the Shields to my Yarnell (where the heck did that come from?), the swizzle that stirs my drink....

I didn't have to make a lunch today for my son because they are having pizza at school. I asked, "is that for everyone or just certain people?" He said "I don't know." I pushed and found out it's because he's doing well in his classes. He has gone to the "honors breakfast" all three quarters this year and has only missed one day of school (that one was to take him and my daughter to Milwaukee to see the Cardinals play the Brewers, he got an Albert Pujols foul ball so he says it was worth it). He's a good athlete and a good student, a kind person and an over-all great guy. My daughter is a good athlete and student too. Now she works a lot, is President of Eco Buds (ecology club in high school) and is going off to college to pursue her "gift" of graphic design and computers. She's one of the kindest and nicest people I know. Sugar Momma and I have done something pretty special over the past 22 years. I am humbled by what my life has become and often take it for granted. Now if I could just find some buried treasure while digging up bushes or something... (see how I changed the subject just as I got all teary-eyed?...I need to give into the tender side but there's an over-ride switch in most males that won't let that happen - we can go to the brink but then we do the fake yawn and "OVER-RIDE").

I am out of my one day funk - It may appear that my 28-cycle calendar was a couple of days off. That whole deal isn't an exact science anyway I have found over the years. My "Matt Mensies" calendar was marked on March 26th which would have made April 22nd the 28-day mark but, like anything, maybe it has a +/- of 7 days. I will mark yesterday down as a "blue day" and see next month what the calendar brings...I know you can hardly wait. I AM like Steven Hawking and Albert Einstein only with laundry and 28-day cycles. I am a Domestic Scientist / Researcher who is open to any grants and funding available.

I originally started this blog because I like to write and Sugar Momma believes in me and my writing abilities and, though she probably wouldn't say it this directly, hates to see my natural talents going to waste. I have always wanted to be a person who made a difference. I think most people have that want somewhere in their psyche. I am still hopeful for this blog to lead to something but I am not as delusional as I make out. I am happy that I entertain 17 "followers" plus the others who I know read from time to time that are not yet "followers." I think of this blog as more of a journal so that when my total memory loss (it becomes more and more evident each day) arrives I can have someone read it to me (because my sight will be gone too) and I can ask, "what in the wide wide world of sports is that dab-blam idiot jibber-jabberin' about?"

That last paragraph made me think.."why do we strive to live longer?" I would love to live longer if you could tack those years onto my life in my twenty's or thirty's but you tack them onto the end when I don't know who I am or can't control my own bodily functions and I have to say "no thanks." If I didn't like my kids "maybe" but I don't want to do that to them either. Just let me go when I'm supposed to go. Speaking of going, my family all knows this but maybe in writing it's more legal or something, so I will commit it to the ages! When I die I want to be cremated and want my ashes taken by those who loved me (or just want a vacation) to an ocean. I am not particular as to which one. I want my ashes poured (maybe sprinkled like Parmesan cheese onto spaghetti) into the sea. Whenever they feel the urge to "visit" me they can go to any coastline in the world and I'll be there. If I ever get to live in that windmill on a tropical beach it would be really easy. I don't even care if you burn me in a pig roast on the beach and let the wind take me to sea; what do I care, I'm dead. I want the rage and the calm of the waves to be my voice and the sound of the ocean you hear in conch shells to be mine. Wow that sounds really poetic (the last part not the burning me at a pig roast part).

Happy Anniversary again Toni Tenille to my Daryl Dragon, Cher to my Sonny (or is that Lady Gaga to my Ron Jeremy?). I love you and can't wait until you have to read this blog to me so I can remember how special you are to me. When reading this back to me make it in Bora Bora or Jamaica so you can smoke me and toss me and get on with your life. That's my eternal wish for you my love!

Maybe you could just take me to the Mississippi and tell me it's Tahiti; eventually I'd reach an ocean. Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow...

"You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have 'The Facts of Life, The Facts of Life'..."

(Shields & Yarnell photo mimed from, buried treasure photo pirated from & Sonny & Cher and rainbow photos are mine so others can start stealing my photos for their blogs now)

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