Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's "T" Time!

I woke up at 3:00AM as usual and was able to go back to sleep this time. I worked-out later than usual yesterday (late afternoon) so maybe that helped. I still did wake up at 3:00 but got a couple of more hours after that. The spirits and nature were calling (the real nature not the Middle-aged in the Middle of the night nature).

Yesterday was a great day for hanging laundry on the line until later in the afternoon when it got chilly again. It was breezy and warm during the day and the sheets and pillow cases smelled great at bedtime. It actually makes the whole bedroom smell Springy. I am just about at ground zero with laundry.

I also mowed the lawn yesterday. It was a little cool when I did it mid-morning but I wore a tank top so I could get some sun on my rice pudding-colored arms (mmmm rice pudding). That shirt used to be called a tank top or a muscle shirt when I was a kid. What did this poor garment do to the fashion industry that caused America to turn on it and now refer to it in so many terrible ways. Now it's the "(non-P.C. slang term for Italian person)-T" or the "wife-beater" (even if a hetero woman is wearing it)? Let's not blame the shirt simply because certain groups tend to gravitate toward it as their main fashion choice. Let's not discourage people from wearing these shirts. They look great on all women and I am tired of having a farmer's tan even if I do live in the Middle of a corn field. Let's bring back the tank top!

I was listening to Roz (my I-Pod) play her Earth Day playlist while bicycling back-and-forth across town yesterday (did about 10 miles) doing the errands I used to use a fancy motorcar for. Sting started serenading me with "All This Time." He sings about a "murder of crows" which made me think of a business of ferrets. I used to know all the weird group names of animals; I don't know why. I have always been huge into trivia and wanted to be ready in case Alex Trebek called I guess. Some of my favorites (not excluding crows/magpies and ferrets) are: a shiver or sharks, a barrel of monkeys, a mob or kangaroos, a bouquet of pheasants, a rhumba of rattlesnakes, a cloud of bats, a prickle of hedgehogs, a tower of giraffes... there are so many that I'd better stop but I wish I had been in charge of naming groups of animals though I doubt I could have topped these. Maybe if I discover a new species I can name the grouping. Anybody up for a trip to The Galapagos Islands? Did you hear they may have found Noah's Ark but it may be a hoax?

Last night while folding clothes fresh from the clothesline The Office was on TBS ("very funny"). It was the drug testing episode and there was mention of an Alicia Keys concert. Me, being a big believer in signs and karma and destiny..., figured it was a sign that I was going to get a call about the Alicia Keys blogger job. But then I thought that maybe the other 25 bazillion people who applied for the job are thinking the same thing. I hope they can deal with the disappointment that only I was right.

It sounds like this weekend S&M (Sugar Momma) and I are going to see "Date Night" ON date night (anniversary). I feel bad now that we didn't see "Valentines Day" on Valentine's Day. I think I have seen "Halloween" on Halloween (the original "Halloween" back in a former century). Next week I guess I can go see "Cinco De Mayo."

Speaking of movies (great segue huh?) I try to be a Matt of my word whenever it's convenient so here's my Top Ten movie list that I have been working on for pretty much my whole life. Some of them have to do with ground-breaking film-making and some have to do with emotion and what I was feeling or going through when I saw them originally. (disclaimer - all movie lists change constantly based on different circumstances but this is right now):

10. The Wizard of Oz
9. Forest Gump
8. Saving Private Ryan (Band of Brothers too but it's a "mini series")
7. Master and Commander: Far Side of the World
6. The Godfather (1 & 2)
5. Silence of the Lambs
4. Gladiator
3. Dances with Wolves
2. Schindler's List
1. Braveheart

(guilty pleasure movies - Top Gun, Surfer Dude, Animal House, Caddyshack, Bull Durham, The Dark Knight, Ironman)

Have a happy Hump Day! That's what a caravan of camels would do!

(Noah's Ark graphic copied off of, tank top photo sweated from & top ten moves graphic plagiarized from

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