Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lord Benadryl of The Land of Nod

The job interview went very well yesterday. They gave me a math test, which I passed. Math has always been the wooden stake to my heart but I only missed one question. Then I did the interview and I've always been pretty good at talking so that went very well. I am WAY over-qualified for this job and that will be the only thing that may stop them from offering me the position. That and the fact that it is A LOT less than I should be making and they know that. a bird in the hand worth two in the bush? Do I take the job if they offer it to me even though I will be tremendously underpaid and not challenged which will lead to job boredom just because I think I need one more job on my menu of jobs (breath)? If they offer me the job and I turn it down because of low pay and the guarantee of not being challenged will I mess up my unemployment which is very good, especially with my two part-time jobs supplementing the pay (breath)? Wow, that's a lot of run-on sentences but I am writing the way my mind is thinking (disjointed and rapid-fire) today. Maybe I shouldn't have Diet Mountain Dew for breakfast. I may call them this morning before they offer me the job and apologize for wasting their time. I know they will not be surprised if I call.

Lord Benadryl came last night and I made it all the way to 5:00 AM. One of my "peeps" (the artists formerly known as "followers") wrote on my Facebook page: "I always wake up at 3:00am too...I googled it and here is one of the answers that came up: From the mundane point of view, 3am is when the dew begins to form and the environmental atmosphere changes. We are all sensitive to our environment. Some more than others. Interestingly enough, this environmental change also enhances the ability of spiritual contact. It's electrical and needs the moisture to travel on. So if you're sensitive to spirits, you'll find yourself often waking at this time." Man whoever invented "copy and paste" should win a Nobel Peace Prize. I believe I am sensitive to spirits and nature and I have very acute senses though I can't see small writing in bad light too well anymore. I will now look at waking up early as more of a blessing than a curse.
You may have noticed that I rarely mention people's names when I refer to them. I don't want to overstep my bounds with people because there is a lot of pressure and fame that come with being mentioned in my blogs. Some might want to remain anonymous. If you're my facebook friend you can easily see who wrote this one though. I have never mentioned my kids names here either because it may get back to them and who wants to deal with that?

I love Smart Cars! Not only are they better for the planet (Earth Day 7 days away) but they make me smile (sometimes laugh out loud) every time I see one. I have shoes that big; I still have my old ones from Clown College. I'd sure be willing to drive around town with my blog address written on it if Smart Car were so inclined to beer me one. This is yet another reference to The Office and in no way condones drinking and Smart Carring. If you spilled a beer in there you'd die a fish bowl death. Is it a new The Office tonight? I'll be heading to the airport again anyway so DVR will let me know later.

Baseball practice went very well. we are going to have a pretty good team and the boys were already acting like they knew each other for years (a lot of them have).

Diet Mountain Dew (I'm gonna need a jacket like the NASCAR dudes wear once all of these endorsement deals finalized) has made this blog too long but today I am like that co-worker that won't shut up. You know the one I'm blogging about! Thanks for letting me blog on and let's do it again tomorrow (that's what she never says).

(Smart Car image borrowed from and peeps image borrowed from

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