Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Make Good BM's

So, Friday night we went out with people from Sugar Momma's works past and present. The best thing I learned is that most of them read this blog and they now call Jill Sugar Momma at work. Then a couple of them mentioned that they sometimes call her S&M for short. I thought I had removed all of those photos from the internet. Anywho, listening to them talk about work and the office politics made me happy that I don't have to deal with all that right now. There are politics in my two part-time jobs and even in Pony League baseball but it isn't at the same level. Full-time job politics change the way you sleep and think; I am not looking forward to that again. Maybe my blog will go viral and someone will offer me a job as a blog writer (is that a job?) and I will create my own office politics. I would probably consider a book deal too I suppose. Side note - ladies don't say at one of these get-togethers "I always thought (fill in name) would make a good husband" when YOUR husband is sitting right next to you, hypothetically.

Yesterday I had White Castle for lunch and greasy pizza for dinner. My body is letting me know that it is used to the new way of life and doesn't appreciate me cheating on it. Maybe it was all the Malibu & diet's sitting out by the fire last night. Either way, I was a bad boy gastronomically yesterday and I am being punished. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - don't do it."

Tonight "The Amazing Race" returns to CBS. This will be the first one since my son's Amazing Race team was stripped of their 3" plastic trophies. I wonder if watching it tonight will be different than B.A.R. (Before Amazing Race)? The Amazing Race (Middle school edition) has never been mentioned at his school since the race. Not on the announcements, not in the hallways, not on the bathroom stalls, nowhere. His team was wrong in "knowing" they would be the laughing stocks of all Middle schools nation-wide.

Our fist baseball game is tomorrow (opening day). We are playing the Cardinals. "The Cardinals?" you ask, "I thought you were the Cardinals." We are the Dekalb Cardinals and we are playing the Sycamore Cardinals. I hope they don't have red jerseys or the scorecard won't help. We do have blue hats and blue socks in hopes that they go with the traditional red socks and hats to make it a little easier. Let's hope they didn't have the same thought. We had practice yesterday and I threw B.P. (batting practice). My son and I went to the Church of Baseball again today and I threw him some more B.P.. And I am doing it again tomorrow 90 minutes before the game. Being Middle-aged + B.P. three days straight = rag arm.

All of these acronyms remind me of this past Easter. Sugar Momma's brother and family and my parents came over. Before coming over my favorite sister-in-law (probably the best sister-in-law in all of the World - yes, she reads this blog) asked Sugar Momma if "Matt would make B.M.'s". I have been making B.M.'s for a long time and I am pretty good at it. There's a lot to consider when making a quality B.M.. You want a good B.M. to be kinda thick but not too chunky. Spicy is okay but not to the point that it burns. Too spicy can make a B.M. a very unpleasant experience. Nothing ruins a B.M. more than a burning sensation. You like some substance to your B.M. but not to the point that the liquid doesn't flow freely. People really seem to admire my B.M.'s when they first encounter them. If you like Bloody Marys I think you'd like mine. You aren't called Mattgarita without being able to produce a good B.M. as well as a margarita and now sangria.

I will post this and re-read (proofread) it several times and change any mistakes over the next couple of days. I have changed typos, missed words, changed intent...several times on EVERY blog I have done so far. I am a Middle Neurotic Blogger M.N.B.. I will blog you again tomorrow after I recheck this one a few more times. TTTM (ta ta til monday).

(white castle photo fron & Amazing Race photo from


  1. Matt, I saw on that Alicia Keys was hiring a blog writer!

  2. Thanks Debbie - I found it and I am applying for the job. Thanks for the heads-up!
