Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Day In The Blog

I applied for the Alicia Keys blogger job yesterday so I am sure they are reading this right now. I'm not delusional. Surely I am not the demographic that first comes to mind when they think of a "head blogger" for a site called "I Am A Superwoman" but if they are creative and forward-thinking enough to realize this would help tap into additional markets they may go with me. And...I AM A SUPERWOMAN! I think it would be a better idea to have several different bloggers blogging from different points-of-view though that means more money on the payroll. I'll leave the tough decisions to people who know what they're doing. I'll just blog my little heart out.

The keys (not Alicia) on this keyboard and the left "clicker" on the mouse are sticky. I had to lay down the law to a certain 13-year-old boy about food and drink in this office. I already have a locking doorknob in the garage at "ready alert standby". I guess it's mouse and keyboard cleaning for today. Yesterday doing the laundry was great. The combination of wind and sun made drying the clothes on the line take only 10 - 15 minutes per load. Blankets and clothing do great but remember towels turn into sandpaper on the line outside...I didn't do towels yesterday. More laundry today because I am behind because of the Census job the last few weeks but I'll easily have everything washed today. Speaking of computers (keyboard and mouse) I heard that Sony is not going to make floppy disks anymore. This is the end of the floppy disk. It just reached MIDDLE-age (41 years) and now they are sending it to the scrap heap. I know how you feel old floppy friend; that's the same thing that's happening to millions of floppy middle-agers every day. Actually, I was surprised to learn that they still existed to be honest with you. That's probably what people say about me too.

I have to get out my Brokeback Mountain hat today so I can mow the lawn. I know what you're thinking...make sure you don't have any clothes on the line while you're mowing. Great advise, thank you.

Ryan Howard of the Philadelphia Phillies just signed a five-year $125,000,000.00 contract. I think he needs a blogger...better act fast Ryan I may be gobbled up like a slow-roller to first soon.

Sugar Momma's and my wedding anniversary is Friday. We will have been married for 22 years. She has almost lived with me as long as she did with her parents now (she was 23 when we got married). I'm sure she loves her age left to a simple math problem on a blog. There should be a name for the moment in your life when you live with your spouse longer than you did with your parents. We both want to see that Steve Carell/Tiny Fey vehicle (fancy word for movie to impress Alicia Keys' people) "Date Night" and we usually go for dinner for our anniversary. I really want to try one of Rick Bayless's restaurants (or is that Bayless' or Bayless'ssss?). I also saw on WGN Morning News this morning (Hi Robin, Paul, Pat, Dean and Ana) that a restaurant in Chicago (Alinea) was voted the #1 Restaurant in North America (#7 in the World) so there's always that. I am sure one of them will read this and decide to comp us for our anniversary so they can get the enormous press that only this blog can bring. I know the pressure would be on them to make a great impression because I may (but probably don't) have the ear (or eye) of World-famous Grammy Award-winning recording artist Alicia Keys' people right now. I am not hard to get ahold of Mr. Rick Bayless. All kidding aside I love Rick Bayless and I just"liked" him on my Facebook. In reality I will probably wait until the last minute like I do and we'll end up sneaking food into the movies (it's funny how they never see my fondue pot and extension cord). Let me know if you have any suggestions for "good eats that don't increase our seats" (trademark/patent/copyright... on that excellent phrase). That just came to me while I was typing like my hands did it on their own (I really like my new phrase - can you tell? - Happy Birthday "good eats that don't increase our seats" - could also be "good treats")

I love that we live so close to fields full of wind turbines (windmills). I can't believe some people think they are eyesores. They are really cool (pun intended) and show that we actually do care about our planet. Even at night the red lights blink simultaneously. To hate windmills is to hate Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! I wish I could live in a windmill and park my Smart Car (which I don't really have) next to one. Didn't the grandpa or maybe the Potts family live in a windmill in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (talk about a SMART car) or was that just Caractacus' laboratory? Anyway, that's my new dream but I'd like my windmill to be on a tropical ocean beach so I could harness the waves too. A boy's gotta dream.

Well, dreaming isn't gonna get the laundry finished, my work-out worked-out, the groceries bought, the lawn mowed and every other thing I have to do today done so...M-Blog Out (still not quite there)

(Rick Bayless photo "sifted" from delish.com, floppy disk photo "pirated" from oldcomputers.net & windmill.chitty chitty bang bang photo "kidnapped" from windmillworld.com)

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