Saturday, April 10, 2010

I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost

The last day of Enumerator training today and tomorrow I hit the streets on my own. Kind of makes me nervous and excited at the same time.

I am happy that baseball season has started again. Baseball is easily my favorite sport to watch and play. It is boring to watch on television but live it's the best (though hockey is pretty good too). Baseball is more about the smells and the sounds and feelings. The smell of the leather in your glove, the newly mowed grass, the smell of the hot dogs and hot pretzels, the sounds of the crowd and the ball "cracking" off the wooden bat, the feel of the sun and breeze on your face. I could go on and on... My favorite teams have always been from the Middle-west too. When I was a kid I was a big Cincinnati Reds' fan; The Big Red Machine. They were a great team to watch but as a kid I probably chose them because they won a lot in the 1970's. Pete Rose played all out all the time and when I play baseball I am the same way probably because of him. My love for gambling did not start until high school though (Scott Simpson and I played poker every Thursday night - way ahead of the poker boom). Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, the original Ken Griffey,... as I got older I switched over to The St. Louis Cardinals (keeping it in the Middle-west). I made the "swing" to St. Louis in about 1981 when the Cardinals acquired another "all-out" player named Ozzie Smith. They rewarded me by winning the 1982 World Series. He has been my favorite player since I learned of him. It's been Cardinals ever since and Albert Pujols being the all or nothing player that he is makes it easy. Tomorrow night is my first coach's meeting for Pony League baseball and I learned that we are the Cardinals again. We were the Cardinals last year too and we were Bronco League Champs!!! FYI - I am not one of those jerky win-at-all-cost coaches - fun is # 1 for me at this age - there's too much pressure when you get older to not have fun as a kid but it's nice when winning happens too. I have always found that you learn more by losing than you do by winning. I have learned A LOT up to this middle point.

Incidentally, it's fun being a Cardinals' fan near Chicago. The Cubs' fans are so easy to fire up - all you have to say when they give you the business is "1908" (it says it all). "Bartman" works well too.

Last week when I was working out I thought I heard someone say "Matt" and just then the light bulb above me dimmed for a couple of seconds and then came back on. None of the other lights dimmed and they are all on the same switch. I went upstairs and asked if anyone had called me which they had not. I thought nothing of it and went back downstairs to workout. Jill said my son told her that he would have been so freaked out and now he says he probably won't go back in the basement. I told him that it was probably my music (the voice) and the bulb may be loose (of course being middle-aged I forgot to check the bulb by the time I got back downstairs). I must admit I was mildly curious as to what was happening in the World. Did someone I know just die and they contacted me while crossing-over or was there a major catastrophe on the planet and I was the one someone chose to make contact with with their last dying breath? Kind of like when Obi Wan Kenobi heard "millions of voices cry out and were suddenly silenced." Well, when working out Thursday night the light bulb dimmed again (no voice this time) so I thought to myself, "self, maybe the bulb is loose." It was so I screwed it in tightly. After the Census gig is over maybe Ghost Hunter? That seems to be a big racket right now. Or maybe Light Bulb Screwer Inner?

Have a great Saturday while I am cooped up in a secret location finishing my training. I will scare you up again tomorrow and thanks, as always, for reading my blog!

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