Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Megan Fox in Dekalb?

I am going to have to make this a quick blog because I gotta get Sugar Momma to the airport. She is going to Dallas for work for a couple of days.

While I was working my Census job yesterday I got a call for an interview at a company I applied for in Rochelle called Americold. I am not really sure which job I am interviewing for tomorrow because I applied for three jobs at that company. I guess I will find out tomorrow at the interview. The Census job is nice because you can work pretty much whenever you want as long as you don't go over 40 hours a week and you can only knock on doors between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM.

Some excitement in our cul-de-sac last night. My son looked out the front window and said he saw a fox. We all thought he was crazy but we waited and sure enough there was a fox running across our front yard toward the middle of the cul-de-sac. Not long after there was a squad car outside. Someone had called the police about a fox. Maybe the cop thought it was Megan Fox. What the heck were the police gonna do about a fox? Cuff him and lock him up for prowling? I think the fox was just getting here early to get a good seat for the sausage races. I AM GOING TO MISS THE SAUSAGE RACES TODAY! ARGHHH!

Baseball draft was last night. It seemed to go well. I got a lot of the players I wanted. Mostly players from our neighborhood and players I had in the past. It seems most of the teams we are playing against in this league are travel teams. There are eight teams from Sycamore in our league and they are all travel teams. We'll probably get smoked a lot this season but we'll try to leave a bad after-taste.

I've been up since 3:00 (as usual). Most of the time I can go back to sleep but, for whatever reason, I didn't this time. What's a boy to do?

I learned that one of my blog "followers" went to San Francisco last week and while at a San Francisco Giants game was reading my blog in the stands. I am very flattered that I am more entertaining than The San Francisco Giants...thank you very much.

This weekend I am the driver for a team in The Amazing Race for my son's middle school. His team is called The Backyardigans and I guess I drive his team around so they can do their "events" like on "The Amazing Race" television show. I'm guessing there will be good blog material there.

Ok, time to get to the airport and then off to counting the masses. Have a great day and I will blog you again tomorrow. Blogger Out!

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