Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Census Training Day 1

Today I start my four-day Census training. They called yesterday and the training is at NIU so I can ride my bike or walk which is awesome. It will rain today but I love the rain. I have to leave in about an hour so I have to write this kind of quickly. I won’t write it too fast maybe just half fast.

Yesterday I finished whitewashing the fence and painted the living room or family room or whatever the one is called where we spend most of our time. The one that the TV is in. I also did the grocery shopping and as I drove by Goodwill there were quite a few cars outside so, being nosy as I am, I stopped to see what was going on. Apparently Tuesday is $1.00 day for all clothing items. I spent about 10 bucks and got some Hollister, Billibong, Nike, Abercrombie... came a home and washed them and now we can finally be like the cool kids.

I am one of the millions of people who are having problem with my Apple I-Pad. My problem is that I don’t have one.

This seems to happen every time a new, exciting product comes out. Everyone has to have it right away and the product has problems at first or the new style comes out one week later... The whole world has to laugh at us and our impulsiveness. Why can’t we wait for anything? Can’t wait for the news, can’t wait for sports scores, can’t wait to talk to the girl who is sailing across the ocean... This is why we are in so much trouble as a country. People couldn’t save their money and wait to buy a house or a car... They had to have it now at any cost. Our grandparents waited to make big purchases and they didn’t live as long as we do. We need to wake up right now. We can't wait we need to do it right now. Wake up or you'll be the only one who hasn't woken up. Do you want to be the only one who isn't awake? Dang!

When I was in Chicago Monday I saw a Paul Blart tribute band or fan club or something. A group of about 10 people taking a lakeside tour of Chicago on their Segways. Everybody was zipping along and there was an older lady way back trying to figure out that darn new-fangled contraption. Pretty funny.

Why do they sell vegetarian hotdogs outside of the Field Museum? Isn’t the fun of eating a hotdog not really knowing what’s inside. A hot dog is like Crackerjack or a box of chocolate; you never know what you’ll get.

Jill says I should get a porkpie hat. Why is it called a porkpie hat? Nevermind, it gets it’s name for its resemblance to a pork pie. Those darn British and their meat pies. Maybe I should get a pot pie hat...”chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!” This makes me think that Monday I was actually living my dream of being a hobo (I was riding the rails, though not in an open box car and I was writing of my adventures...LIVIN’ THE DREAM

Ok, time to shave and shower and find a shirt and tie that match my liver and woun't show Chianti stains. I am sure there will be funny and adventurous (did you hear the Indiana Jones theme or was that just me?) things to write about as I take on the U.S. Census job. Thank you for not sending you Census in so I could work for a while.

I will talk to you again tomorrow.

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