Monday, April 26, 2010

I Am Blogging Hear Me Roar!

Yesterday I blogged that I was hoping that someone would offer me a job as a blogger not knowing that there actually is such a job as a blogger. I love writing this blog and have enjoyed writing as long as I can remember. When I was young my family would go on vacations across the country by car and my mom, trying to maintain her sanity and help us pass the time so we wouldn't fight all the way from Illinois to California, would have us write papers about our trip. I think that's when my love for writing began. I had forgotten about that until just this morning. I wonder if she kept any of those writings. Well, after reading my blog yesterday, one of my "peeps", Deb, commented that Grammy Award-winning artist Alicia Keys is conducting a search for a new blogger for her website (I Am A Superwoman).
You may remember I said I am 47% woman in my March 19th blog. Well, working for this website would actually tip the scales to about 58% woman...that would be awesome (I mean "Super"). Thanks for the tip Deb. If you run into Ms. Keys ('cause I'm nasty) in South Carolina make sure you put in a good word for me. Who better to promote superwomen than me? Let's see if good things happen to good people in the Middle. Wish me luck knew me when. Lucky for you Middles don't forget where they came from.

I had to go down and make my son's lunch; did you miss me? Peanut butter & jelly sandwich, chips, orange (quartered), hard boiled egg, snack cake (think it's a Nutty Bar this week), two juice boxes and a fruit cup. Not really exciting but that's what he likes.

While I was downstairs I got my notebook too. She's getting pretty full. I think she needs a name. Why do I feel I have to name everything? Pretty soon my blog is going to be turned into a Disney or Pixar movie with talking notebooks and I-Pods and me getting a blogging job working for Alicia Keys. Definitely sounds like a fairytale. Stranger things have happened and crazier movies have been made. Well, you know my I-Pod is named Roz so what would be a good name for a friend of an I-Pod named Roz? How about Flo? I will not name her quite yet...give me some suggestions. Maybe she's a he (the love interest). The notebook and Roz do spend a lot of time alone together in my pocket. They have plenty of time to develop a relationship. This really COULD be a children's book and movie. Music and voice of Roz provided by....yep, Alicia Keys!

The other night Sugar Momma fell asleep on the couch. I asked her why she slept on the couch and she said she just fell asleep. "I was out like a light," was her exact response. I am not really sure what that means considering when I wake up in the morning there's ALWAYS at least two lights that were left on all night. Were those lights "on like a prom dress?" "Out like a light" doesn't mean what it did when I was a kid. You remember those days..walking twelve miles to school in twenty feet of snow, up hill both ways with sandwich bags for shoes. Maybe we should change the phrase to "out like a cellphone I forgot to put on the charger".

I am not really sure what this means but I wrote it in my notebook so I know it's extremely important. "Everything is important to someone." Looking at the notes around it in the notebook I see I was writing it while at Jill's work get-together. I think people were making conversations and talking about things that didn't interest the listeners and I could see it on the listeners' faces. That "somebody save me" or "get me outta here" look. It reminded me that no matter what a subject is there is someone who finds it very important and we should all be good listeners because we have all been on the other end. You know how it feels. People like to be listened to and appreciated. Be polite and really listen. Putting my soapbox away now.

Okay, off to change my life and apply to become Alicia Keys' blogger. I Am A Superwoman!

(superwoman graphics taken from and, lights photo pilfered from & Alicia Keys photo stolen from I realize that if I get the Alicia Keys blogging job I will really have to get permission to use graphics prior to using them but I'm sure she has "people" who do graphics ;)

1 comment:

  1. It is my pleasure to follow your blog and give you tips on employment. Richard didn't want the job! LOL
