Sunday, April 4, 2010

In My Easter Blogget! (no frills)

Happy Easter (cue Bunny Hop music)!

Well, Jill and I went to the YMCA yesterday morning. We both started on the elliptical machines and she left me to do circuit weight training. I do weights old-school like Rocky before he got soft for a while and got beat-up by an orphan from the Middlewest named James “Clubber” Lange played by Mr-T (from middle America too). I pity the fool who does weights at some cushy YMCA. I only do the effeminate exercises (like the elliptical) in public. I did my six miles on the elliptical because I wore my Mattssiere this time and Jill went off to learn all of the machines; I know what you are thinking but we were in the same room so I know she was doing it. I am very proud of her - this is the hardest part of working-out - the beginning.

Since we are Middle-aged now we did what older people do... we went to the hospital, which is right next to the YMCA, convenient for when I eventually pull a hammy(mmmm, ham), for breakfast. I hate to let this secret out of the bag because there was no one there but they have good food and healthy food at great prices. We ate for about $5.00; important when unemployed. Next thing you know we’ll be going for dinner at 3:30 PM for the early-bird specials in our Lincoln Town Car and putting all of the jelly and sugar packets in Jill’s purse to take home.

Theoretically speaking...those little towels in the work-out rooms at hotels make great meibutsu (see April 1st blog) I would imagine. Don’t take the ones from your room because they count those and you'll probably get charged but the ones in the exercise room would go un-missed, theoretically. Also, don’t take the ones from the pool area because they usually have a blue stripe or something on them so it’s kinda-like towel jack (low jack for towels).

I think I am going to start the U.W.U. (Unemployed Workers’ Union). Our first meeting will probably be at the golf course and I will let you know when the date has been set.

Why is 7-11 called 7-11? Was it originally open from 7AM - 11PM I think? shouldn't it be 24-7-11 (trademark/patent pending) now? Why in the heck do all of these businesses need to be open 24 hours a day anyhow? Wouldn’t we conserve a lot of resources if they were closed for 6-7 hours at night? Or, would this make more people unemployed? We’ll have to discuss this at the 19th hole meeting of the U.W.U..

I called someone a “big galoot” the other day. Why aren’t there “little galoots”? And what is a galoot? And why are things “cool as a cucumber” (another term I used the other day)? Shouldn’t they be cool as Fonzie? (showing my middleness again).

I may or may not write a blog Monday which is why this one is posted later than usual today plus it is Easter. I am doing some field research for my screenplay tomorrow so it depends when I finish. Did you hear (read) that Twain? I'm still working on the script.

I hope you all have the best Mondays possible. Thanks, as always, for reading my blog and thanks and welcome (lol) to my new “followers”; I am gonna come with a better word for “followers” than "followers". TTFN!

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