Saturday, April 3, 2010

Auntie Em' it's a twister!

Yesterday I rode my bike to work (my part-time job) because the weather was nice at 11:15 am when I left so I could get to work by the crack of noon. Also, I love riding my bike. It only took me 10 minutes to get there and that was with stopping twice briefly to answer my phone; those could have been job offers (they weren’t). Anyway, by the time I got off of work “the weather started getting rough the tiny ship (bike) was tossed...”. It took me 25 minutes to get home and some of that is downhill. The wind was in my face most of the way at what seemed to be gusts of 100 miles per hour (not kilometers per hour). I had to be getting terrible gas mileage (that’s how dads think). Now I know how Mrs. Gulch felt. I suppose I should expect wind since my town is in the Middle Of Cornfields and it was Friday. It seems windier on Thursday nights and Fridays - Friday is our garbage pick-up day. I am certain if Tuesday is your garbage day it’s windier on Monday night/Tuesday at your house.

When I got home my hair was a total mess. It made me think that maybe I should adopt that “Bedhead” look as I guess that is in because of all those stupid vampire movies. Maybe I’m (at least my hair) am hipper than I thought - on third thought I’m not. That’s why we shouldn’t always stop at “second thought.”

I wore my Nike Dri-Fit socks (**Swoosh**) to work. They are specific to each foot. They either have a little R or a little L on them so you know what foot they should go on. When I unrolled them I had two R socks. Who in the heck is doing our laundry? (delete that last question before posting this blog because it's you you moron) But I figured that didn’t make a difference. Without being able to compare the exact same day how will I know if the day would have been better or worse with one L and one R or two L's? And. Should Republicans wear two R's and Democrats two L's? I even tucked my right pant leg into my sock (the one that actually was the correct R) so it wouldn’t get caught in the chain or greasy. Now I know why the Europeans were a lot of knickers. That’s a funny word knickers.

I went to the dentist last week for a cleaning - look mom, no cavities. I am still flossing after 8 days; that’s a new record. It usually lasts about 2 days.

I thought that helping people find jobs would be a great job to have right now with 15,000,000 Americans looking for work. But then I figured I’m not really qualified for that job because I can’t even find myself a job. But then I thought (on third thought) that if I found a job finding people jobs I’d have a job and then I’d be good at finding people jobs so I could do that job. So I may pursue that.

Well, in an effort to keep these short and since Jill and I are going to the YMCA together this morning I will end now. The Y opens at 6:00 am so we will be there at 6:00. Wish me luck! (at getting Jill up to go with me that is - I will let you know that goes)

I will be open for business Easter morning so I will blog again tomorrow for my first HOLIDAY BLOG!!!! Have a nice Easter Eve everyone.

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