Thursday, April 2, 2015

Why is that Matt Naked in the Kitchen?

Spider brain, spider brain, does whatever a spider brain does...
Yesterday the doctor ordered a couple of more tests for me. I have to have an electroencephalogram (EEG) this afternoon and, when they can get it cleared by Cigna, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). I waited for the "April Fools" but that never happened. Will they have to shave my head? I am ugly enough with hair. I cannot imagine how hideous I would be in bowling ball form. So, I am not cleared to do anything extra. One thing good about me is that I have a pretty positive attitude about most things. Maybe I am too dim-witted to know that I should not be positive. Nope, Que Sera Sera (that worked for Cha Cha when she seemed to be in dire straits and it will work for me too). My version of the song is a bit different because she loves Doris Day and I don't want to steal that from her. Another nice thing about these two procedures that I am to have are that they are both performed in my current hometown of DeKalb. They talked about another couple of things that may be next but one step at a time.

I seem to be sleeping through the night (with a bit of help) but I still feel tired most of the time. I hope that it is because my body is working on healing whatever it is that is broken and it knows that it can get caught-up with the rest when it is appropriate, I think we are always trying to cure what ails us. Last night I woke up with one of my puppet strings detached from my baby episode monitor so I figure I must have been tossing and turning. I am tired of talking this.

This morning a pretty good thunderstorm rolled through the area. Man, I love thunderstorms. I love the sounds and the darkness and the light show and the pressure and the smell and the coolness of the air. Jill's parents lived in the country and their back second-floor outside deck overlooked a cornfield to the north. Her dad and I would sit out there and watch storms come in. It drove her mom crazy because she was deathly afraid of storms. This love and curiosity of storms comes in handy since I am trained weather spotter. I do not mind standing out in the, so-called, bad weather. I have only called the super-secret weather spotter number once from the Mattphone when I saw a funnel cloud but I am always at the ready to make that call to save lives whenever the opportunity arises. We just recently had a refresher course at work; we have that training every year. The symbolism that today, the day that we may find out what kind of violent storm could be going-on in my mind and/or body, is the day of this crazy weather. You can certainly tell that I am part Native American with my love of symbolism and nature and weather. I guess we will have lots and lots of May flowers if the April showers are starting right at the beginning of the month.

Adam West and Burt Ward (most of us MIDDLE-aged and beyond people recall them as television's Batman and Robin) have announced that they will once again don the capes and cowl/mask (sort of) and play the dynamic duo again next year. They will be the voices of the caped crusaders in an  90-minute animated movie coming out in 2016. That will be 50 years after the television series premiered in 1966. I was a big fan of the television show as a kid and I have liked most of the films (Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, Will Arnett, Benjamin McKenzie, Gus Lewis, George Clooney, Adam West, Christian Bale, Ben Affleck?) but I doubt that I will watch an animated version.
"I could have been warned there was a dinner party here tonight!"

I am back on the watching my girlish figure thing again. I had been feeling sorry for myself, apparently, so I was eating whatever I wanted again. It is curious how the foods that are the worst for us are the ones that are easiest to get and eat. Most of them are ready to eat (chips, snack cakes, cookies, donuts, candy bars, drive-through windows...). I suppose that could also go for healthy foods now that I think of it. Fruits and vegetables are pretty-much ready to eat. Drive-through windows also have salads. Jill had a great idea to move the scale down to the kitchen. The one thing that worries me is that, since I usually weigh myself naked for consistency and continuity purposes, when we have people over they may find that a bit off-putting. It may be good for other peoples' diets too. I could just say that it is because of my "condition." If they find something wrong with my brain  I am turtlely going to use that for my amusement.

I have to wrap-up so I can get some things done before finding-out how hollow my head is this afternoon. I appreciate you coming by; the welcome MATT is always out for you. Have a great day. Hopefully, I will have something to report about my noggin tomorrow. I doubt that they will find anything quickly. I think this is Thursday so this would normally be one of my weekend days. That means I won't feel guilty about being off of work tonight. How do I have all of this guilt about things I should not feel guilty about? I guess Cha Cha being Catholic must have rubbed-off on me. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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