Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy Belated Sibling Day

World's Dumbest Holiday Day
I guess someone decided that yesterday was Sibling's Day on Facebook. We are a bunch of lemmings. I missed the memo on this one. What is next? Pets From When You Were Young Day? Oh, that makes me think of something. (Isn't it weird how things will do that?) With the recent tornado in our area there are hundreds of pets that are ownerless - at least for now. I know Cha Cha is putting photograph many photographs of lost dogs on her Facebook page. That is something you never think about. You and I, if we were lost, would at least have some idea where our house was unless we got amnesia like we would if we were in a movie. I did not drink the Sibling's Day Kool-Aid.  It is just Facebook trying to keep itself relevant and I do not blame that for that - it's big bucks!

I was listening to the meteorologist from my work on the radio. He said that he followed this tornado pretty much from its start to finish. He said that the tornado, in it's travel, was on the ground for about an hour. The average tornado is not on the ground for longer than eight minutes. I am happy that we live in a more urban area because tornadoes in larger downtown areas are rare but I did read that it is not unheard of. Windsor, Ontario has been hit four times in 70 years and St. Louis has had tornadoes downtown four times in less that a century. I cannot image the destruction that a downtown tornado would cause in Chicago or New York... Actually, I know Hollywood has done something many natural disaster films that have depicted this horror.

While writing this I am listening to Pandora. It is really funny to me how you can tell which big rock singers were huge partiers just by listening to their early singing (voice) and later in the their career songs. Paul McCartney sounds pretty much the same today as he did when The Beatles began. Then you listen to someone like Steven Tyler and he doesn't like the same singer. David Lee Roth cannot even sing close to what he sounded like when he began with Van Halen.

Now that the laundry room is completed it is time to paint the Tiki Room. Is it a coincidence that paint starts with pain? There are really only three walls in the Tiki Room since one side feeds out to the dining room, one has the patio (French) door and the other two walls are 80% windows. Within the next week we are having the French Doors installed in the Tiki Room and the door installed in the garage going out onto the patio. It is nice to have projects and not be on a timetable. Usually, when we do painting and such it needs to be done by such-and-such a date. I guess this is that way a bit since we are having a graduation party this summer.

I have been writing this blog off-and-on (mostly off) all day long. I would say I have been averaging about a paragraph every one-and-a-half hours. It is 1600 now.

Jill and I have decided that we are going to take-up birding as a hobby. Some people call it bird-watching but that is very offensive to we birders I am told by the home office. As I write this there is a female cardinal and a red finch on the feeder and I an birding them. The female cardinal's beak is so bright orange. I wonder if the male cardinal's beak is that bright too but it just doesn't look as bright because he is red. I have to refill the feeder but I will wait until they are done with dinner. There is still a little but there.

I am gonna end for the week. I will blog again Monday - maybe from the doctor's office lobby on Batavia. I am tired of paying good money for shoddy service. If I do not get satisfaction Monday I am switching doctors. Cha Cha's doctor is at the same clinic and Cha Cha says she is not as busy as my doctor. Plus, how much more fun is it with a lady doctor at "turn your head and cough" time? I am tired of being held hostage by the medical industry. Maybe it is because of my stupid State of Illinois insurance? Maybe they figure of they are gonna pay slowly they will give service slowly? I am tired of complaining so, have a great rest of your weekend. TTTMonday. Thanks a lot for checking -in. TA!

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