Thursday, April 9, 2015

Off to the Salt Mines with the Man in Black

Congratulations to Mr. & Mr. Manilow or Kief of Manilow-Kief or Kief-Manilow
It always amuses me how clueless people can be when they are in denial when something happens that other people had always known suspected. I guess clueless is not the appropriate word - maybe they are just innocent and/or accepting. I am speaking about Barry Manilow and his long-time manager Garry Kief getting married last year. It just came out in the press that it is official, I just think it's funny that they are Barry and Garry (yes, that is the way this Garry spells his name). I think it is great when people who love each other can be together no MATTer what the circumstances (there are limits in my mind though - having to do with animals and children). When two consensual adults can get married (or, at the very least, be together and be who they are) I am all for it. How could people not have known that Barry Manilow was gay? Why does it make a difference? I hope I am still on this planet when it is okay for people to be who they are and people will accept whatever that happens to be.
 I hope I am the Earth and not the Scum 

The Ambien worked in getting me to sleep last night. I even remember a dream, which I rarely do. I kept seeing a man (assuming it was a man based on his size) wearing: a black trench coat, black slacks, black shoes, black sun glasses (at night), an all-black fedora lurking just out of the light in the shadows. I don't believe it was Joliet Jake or Ellwood because I believe the socks were black too. Maybe it was Johnny Cash? Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones?  It seemed like this figure was just watching me. Of course, I imagine it is death just out of my reach and waiting to pounce if I make one wrong move. I do not feel I slept very well after this initial dream but some sleep is better than what I get most nights. "They" say that dreams last only milliseconds though they seem like they are much longer. Sleeping nights and being awake during the days (like non-nocturnal beings are supposed to be) is helping me more than anything I think. I have the MRI tomorrow and I am excited to see what that discovers. I still think the sleep-study at the end of the month will be the most telling test.

Today I am going to work on the garage a bit. So far, Cha Cha and I have totally redone the laundry room (painting, adding hooks, building shelves, stacking the washer and dryer...), yesterday I reorganized all of the kitchen cupboards. We have no dirty clothes in the house and today I have to try to get the garage back to normal from the laundry room project. I have eight bags of salt I have to lug downstairs to add to the water softener that we were using for weight in the back of one of our vehicles this past winter. We no longer have that vehicle (and it is no longer winter) so we no longer need those bags but, the softener always needs salt. We tell it that too much sodium is bad for you but softeners always think they are smarter than everybody else. I want to be able to get two cars back in the garage this afternoon before these bad storms arrive. After that I think cleaning the entire garage is the next project - we are having a back door added to the garage out to the patio and we need to be able to get to that wall before the door  can be installed.
You don't hear about salt mines much anymore

I think I will be able to blog tomorrow morning because my appointment isn't until just after noon. If, for some reason, I don't get it posted I will blog after I get back home. Maybe that will be better anyway since I will be able to talk about being stuck in a tube for an hour. Thankfully, I am not in the least bit claustrophobic. In fact, I like to be in tight places. I could blog before and after too I suppose? There are so many options in every day life. Thank you for stopping-in; I do appreciate most of you (I just thought that sounded funny). Have a great day battening-down your hatches. TTTT (once or twice)...MITM off to the salt mines. TA!

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