Friday, April 3, 2015

The E Ticket Blog!

This journey to take me where I am headed continues. I know my ultimate goal is to be 100% well again. So, knowing my destination as The Island of 100% Wellness, I am taking steps toward the island every day. I think I may have just passed The Island of Misfit Toys. I have always heard that "a journey begins with a single step" and I have also been told that "you can't get to your destination unless you know where you're headed." What this tells me is that my life is full of cliches. Currently, I have another four doctor things set up now before the end of the month. One of those is only to get some test results and another is a follow-up with my primary care physician as to what is going on. If I were a betting Matt (and I am if somebody is looking for some action on this one) I wager there will be more appointments scheduled or altered.

The EEG yesterday was really cool. I am one who has always liked to try new things and this one was an E Ticket ride. I guess I am showing my MIDDLE age with the E Ticket comment but I guess they used them as recently 1981 (when I graduated from high school). Those tickets were a pain in the butt. You would always run out of the good ones and then have to go over to Tom Sawyer's Island because we didn't have cell phones and you're parents could, conveniently, not be found. Anyway, they strapped a hat on my head. It looked like one of the old leather football helmets like Red Grange wore back in the 1920's but this one had little connectors all over the place so she could snap the little electrodes to it once it was on my melon. Then she took a little needle thing and scraped my scalp through all of the connectors so she could get good contact. Then the wires were all snapped into place. I just lied back in a relining chair while she watched a television that showed her the reruns in my head I guess. I think I even fell asleep at one point which, I was told at the beginning, was okay. Then she warned me that she was going to blink lights to see how my brain responded. That was really cool It was like a cross between watching fireworks and going through that tunnel in Space Mountain (what is it with me and the Disney theme parks today?). It was weird that I could see the lights with my eyes closed tightly; I guess everything really is all in your head like they say. Anyway, looking at the squiggles on the screen she thought that everything looked like it is supposed to (she probably wasn't supposed to tell me that but I am extremely charming) but the Neurologist will have to decide that so he can earn his bank. Next up is my MRI a week from today.

Jill and I watched a movie (documentary) on Netflix last night about film critic Roger Ebert called Life Itself. I always kind of liked him and thought his long-time television partner, Gene Siskel, was kind of a jerk. I came away from the movie thinking that I may have been completely reversed on them. I think Siskel came across as jerky because Ebert was a bit self-absorbed. Siskel and Ebert were both brilliant men. I also think Roger Ebert was a lot like me in that he was good in small doses but, spending too much time with him, would drive you mad with his (I am not sure what to call it)... Large personality? Self-absorption? I am aware, and he was probably too about himself, that I am like that but, try as I might, it is a difficult trait to squelch. I know it is one of my largest character flaws. "What is my major malfunction numbnuts did mommy and daddy show you (too much) attention when I was a child?"  Ebert was an only child so I guess he had a better excuse that I did. One thing Ebert's wife talked about was a phrase he liked to follow - "make your heart your face." That really struck me. I think I have always tried to do that without labeling it. Maybe it is like "wear you heart on your sleeve?"  He was Catholic and, looking into it, that phrase appears to come from some Catholic teachings.Weird to do a review on reviewers.

I should probably wrap this up so I can get to some of the busy-work that Cha Cha is giving me. We both know that idle hands are the mind's chance to make you feel sorry for yourself or the devil's playground or something. Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to listen to me whine and wax poetic. If I remember maybe I will write about some of the projects that we are working on like: the door being installed on the patio going into the garage and the French Doors in the Tiki Room. We are getting all fancy aren't we? Have a great day and a nice Friday night. I may cook on the grill tonight. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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