Friday, April 24, 2015

My Forensic Investigation & My Call to Barack

German doors are pretty fancy aren't they?
I am starting to believe that my health insurance company is trying to kill me. I am sure there is more advantage to them for me to be dead than there is for me to keep racking up bills.
No, probably not. I got a call yesterday from the sleep study facility at my local hospital where my study is scheduled for tonight. They had already confirmed the appointment as they do so my curiosity got me and I answered the phone even though I was in the MIDDLE of dealing with the french door installer. That is not as easy as you might think when you do not speak French. I really wish I had taken French in school or maybe we should have gotten german doors or Mademoiselle Cha Cha should have stayed home to deal with them. I was told by the very nice lady on the phone that my insurance had not yet approved the second half of the sleep study so they are going to have to cancel my appointment and they will call me to reschedule it when they get the insurance approval. I have never been one to want to "kill the messenger" and she probably gets yelled at all the time delivering this kind of news. I wonder if the Affordable Care Act insurance (Obama Care) would be better or worse or more of the same? It could not be any worse than the experiences I have had with my Cigna insurance this past few months. I think they are creating their own business by not letting me get well.

Tomorrow Cha Cha and I are going to see our college buddy and my first college roommate Spiro. His son is playing a baseball game nearby and he sent me an email about getting together. Maybe he is now a Cigna hitman and I am a liability for "the company." I think he and I have history longer than Cha Cha and I do (it is pretty close since I met them both at close to the same time). We did everything together for quite awhile. I think of him often so I am pretty excited unless he is a Cigna hit man but maybe, because of our history, he will make it quick and painless.

This may sound silly or simply like I am trying to make people feel better about "my condition" but I am really happy that this whole deal is going on. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore and I am not wasting my time with the stupid stuff or negativity. Cha Cha and I talk a lot about family and friends (including the Facebook variety) just about everyday and we watch far less television. I am constantly busy on projects when she is working and those will probably never all be completed. I don't care as much if our dog barks his head off. It doesn't bother me if there is a little paint on the ceiling when I am done painting a room. I do not know why I ever let that kind of stuff bother me in retrospect. Maybe this is why, when people are dying after being jerks for their entire lives, they get nicer. Some say that maybe it is because they fear meeting Jesus soon but, I assure you, this is not my concern. I have not killed, I have not committed adultery... I did steal as a young kid but I have done plenty to make up for that with interest. There are other reasons why I am not concerned too.
Forensic investigation  in progress (I look good in white and it is before Labor Day)
Yesterday I went to inspect the bunny nest I protected with patio chairs in back yard. The bunnies were gone and, doing my forensic investigation of the scene, my findings lead me to believe that they left on their own recognizance. That word doesn't really fit there but how often do you get to use "recognizance?" But they did seem to leave of their own accord. That word may not be great either but you get the point. The hole was vacant and the nesting material (leaves, grass, string, hair/fur...) was all neatly together away from the hole like a door had been opened and there was no evidence of a scuffle. Cha Cha suggested that I should put the dryer lint out in the yard for them to use as well. What a brilliant idea. We will have the best smelling birds and rabbits in the area. It is like tagging them without all the hassle. I had always just thrown the lint out. Recycling and saving the critter babies is a much better use. I bet Snow White shared lint with the critters. Now I wish I had a deeper belly button. Anyway, I was happy to see that the Patio Chair Protection Program (PCPP) worked.

Cha Cha had a bowl of Cheerio's this morning and I think she thinks I am doing the same but I am not. Last night I made turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and rolls for dinner. So now, for breakfast I am having stuffing from a bowl and that is sort of like toast for breakfast, right? What find of moron eats toast from a bowl? The kind that eats stuffing for breakfast and calls it toast. I have never been much of a traditional breakfast-type of person. I was always the really happy that White Castle was open 24-hours kind of guy. But, in this case, stuffing is kind of like toast right? And White Castles are kind of like toast and sausage for breakfast. I have seen a lot of odd things put into an omelet that I sure would be suspect as a typical breakfast.

I had more to say about that last paragraph but I had to deal with doctor stuff since they called and trying to get them back on the phone is tougher than getting President Obama to call me back. So, now I forgot what else was on my mind about breakfast but that is an okay place to stop that thought anyway. The HR department from my work called and I have to deal with stuff with them and my primary physician and the second-opinion neurologist. Maybe all of this stuff is just designed this way to make me use my brain and work things out. I have a difficult time believing these things are always handled this haphazardly. What if I had to do all of this stuff while I was working? Maybe this is the true reason they tell you to stay home - so you can make sure to keep their staffs busy and work on them getting paid the higher bills they are building while bothering us. Why is their time worth so much more than mine? I have blogs to write and things to paint and organize.
"Find out who gave this boob my number and send them to Guantanamo"

I guess that is a good place to stop. I have to call my #2 neurologist and reschedule my May 8th appointment because Cha Cha has a meeting she cannot get out of that day. I have to say that her work has been great about her having to deal with me. She is a really good employee and she works about every weekend on projects for work at home and she works more than twelve hours a day during the week and probably another ten hours a day most weekend days. I am at a quandary about the second opinion. If this next doctor gives me a different opinion do I have to get a third opinion to break the tie? If not, which one do I believe? The one that serves my purposes the best? And, what are my purposes? I want to get well and, if one says I am well. do I believe him and find out he was wrong? Again, is this part of the Mattser plan? To make me reason everything out? Maybe they are just creating their own business.

It is so peaceful and nice in the Tiki Room now. I know that was random but I am a random kind of guy. Thank you for letting me rant today - you are great for me and I hope I offer you something too. Have a great Friday and Frinight. I will blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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