Wednesday, April 22, 2015

There is Scientific Proof of My One-Track Mind

I find it amusing, for some reason, that they call their boats barges
I have been very busy the last few days and I love it. I am trying to pack a lot into whatever time I have from here-on-out. I cannot believe the things I am enjoying now. I have never minded doing laundry so that is still good. I hung the curtain rods above the windows and put together two shelving units in/for the Tiki Room. I ironed the new floor-to-ceiling curtains and I cannot believe how much I liked doing that. I am thinking about opening my own laundromat. I already have the name -  Laundry Matt. I will think about that because I bet after awhile I would get sick of ironing and folding. But, I think the places like that have presses rather than the hand-held irons that we regular Joes use. I also hung the curtains, of course. Cha Cha and I went and met with a travel agent yesterday and it looks like we may be headed to Prague, Paris and Heidelberg. We are trying to work Amsterdam in too but that may take some finagling and more money, of course. Amsterdam is not a deal-breaker but it would be nice. It turns out that since we are so young (compared to all of the other people who will be on our Viking cruise) we will save quite a bit of money by getting a different insurance policy than the other old codgers. Do you suppose I will be asked to open jars and lift heavy things for our co-passengers? I am okay with that. I bet my dance card will be full.

While I was ironing and, again, was listening to Pandora. I was listening to the Barenaked Ladies (BNL) station and most of the songs made me think about everything going on again. Give a Little Bit (The Goo Goo Dolls), Save Tonight (Eagle Eye Cherry), It's All Been Done (BNL), How's it Gonna Be (Third Eye Blind), Good Riddance (Green Day)... Yesterday I was listening to the Disney station and I knew almost all the words to every song. We played Disney all the time when the kids were young. Plus I worked in a toy store for awhile and we played those cassettes (yes, cassettes) when I was there. It's funny that I skipped the songs from Frozen and Tangled because these movies were after my kids were older so they didn't give me the warm-and-fuzzies.
I have always been told that I have a one-track mind
Talking about thinking  - I learned why maybe I can remember what I do and forget what I do. It may come from a "condition" that is pretty common these days called The Google Effect. The Google Effect is a "condition" where we forget things that we can Google and remember the things that we cannot.  That would explain why I can remember all the people that I know and forget other things. It may also, as I have said here, that people are more important to me that just about anything else. I am proud of my mind if it has taken this initiative on its own. I wonder if I will start forgetting famous people because I can Google them? I am not sure if this is 100% true or if it related to what I have going on but I like the idea.

I want to say that I appreciate all of the warm sentiments and kind words about my "condition" but please do not feel sorry for me. This has been one of the best times of my life in a long time. I get to spend a lot more time with my best friend and everybody is so nice to me. Also, I appreciate so many more things these days. I don't take hardly anything for granted as we do in our day-to-day rat-race lives. I don't really worry about much of anything when just a month or so ago I was worried and stressed about everything. Today I even went down the stairs on my butt like we used to do when we were kids - just for the hell of it. In case you are thinking of trying it I will tell you this... it is still kind of fun but it hurts your butt more than it did back in the day.

I heard on the radio that there was a guy arrested out near me for what was classified as looting which is a felony. He was supposedly assisting with all of the tornado clean-up just a bit west of my part of The Middle but he was actually stealing many items that people and companies had donated for these people who had lost so much (homes, belongings. loved-ones...). I can think of a lot of reprehensible things and this is among the worst. To me this is worse than stealing from the dead. I hope he smokes a turd in Hell. I guess I do not know his story but in my mind he was just stealing stuff to sell on Ebay or something. I bet we will hear a lot more about this story.
I got wood! There was also plastic and metal and such in there too

I wrote those last paragraphs before I went and visited one the doctors from my team of physicians. This was my primary-care doctor and he knew nothing about my condition. What in the hell goes on with these doctors? I was told by my neurologist that he was sending all of his findings to my GP (general practitioner) but my GP said, "maybe he sent it to our Galena (Blvd.) office." If he did then why in the Helser didn't they send it over to you? This country is in a medical mess.

Today was a good day other than that. Waste Management came out and picked up our Bagster today. In case you are unfamiliar, it is like a collapsible dumpster that you unfold fill it with refuse up to 3300 ponds and they send a truck with a telescoping boom to pick it up. I sat in the front window of the house just watching the dude masterfully park in the cul-de-sac and work the boom and turn the Bagster in the air and put it in the back of his truck. I am such a ten-year-old by in so many ways. I also got the Tiki Room completely done except for the french doors that were supposed to have been installed last Thursday. They are coming back tomorrow morning with the correct supplies. If they do not get it done I will contact Lowe's and make other arrangements.

Sorry this was posted so late today. Maybe I will post a photo of the Tiki Room in tomorrow's blog though most of you didn't see it before we started the transformation. Thank you for stopping-in and for waiting for the blog. After I go to the bank and get the scratch for the cruise I will be here for quite awhile while the french doors are installed. Have a great rest of your night. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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