Thursday, April 23, 2015

McDonald's and Boils, yum. Supersize me!

It is 0410 and I have been awake for about 90 minutes so I thought I may as well blog. I am really hoping that they find something in the sleep study tomorrow night. I also hope they have their equipment calibrated right from the start of the study because that is the only time that I will be asleep and, after 0232-0300 (when I usually wake-up) it will be an awake study of me lying there not sleeping. No MATTer what occurs with the results there are going to be some big changes coming in my life. I am so excited about the future no MATTer whether I am off-my-rocker or not.
Ronald has run his course

I heard that hundreds of McDonald's restaurants have closed over the past year in Japan, China and the United States due to lowered profits. I cannot remember the last time I ate at a McDonald's even with all of my travelling and hospital visits with Cha Cha and I. I also see, through news and commercials, that McDonald's has: many more different chicken sandwiches, lots of sandwich wraps, about ten different salads, cuties (the oranges, not me), Go-Gurt, fruits, yogurt, oatmeal... They are trying to change with the times but I think it may be too late. I think that they have run their course and we will continue to see them dwindle. There may a lot of choice real estate either sitting empty or having new tenants. Maybe McDonald's will just become a bigger world-wide landlord than Donald Trump?

Today the Tiki Room will be nearly completed - hopefully. The french doors should be installed by noon. I take that back; we still need one more shelf to buy and for me to assemble. I cannot believe all of the projects that I have done over the past month or so. It has kept me busy and my mind occupied and challenged which is important. I think that is part of Cha Cha's plan. She is really my brain coach I would say.

My appointment for my second opinion is scheduled for May 8th. I made the appointment without checking with Cha Cha and her schedule and she has a work meeting scheduled that day. I feel bad that I think I may be taking advantage of her or maybe just taking her for granted as my personal chauffeur and assistant. That is one of the last things I want to do. My dad said I could use his taxiing services if needed but I know Cha Cha wants to be there and I depend on her ears, knowledge of health issues and memory to assist me and she really wants to be there for the same reasons. I am happy to reschedule if she is unable to be my Polly Thompson or Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's assistant and teacher/best friend) on that day. I love how our partnership is truly a partnership in just about every way and we still have our own interests and hobbies. I seriously think we have the perfect union. We have: established justice, insured domestic tranquility, provided for a common defense, promoted general welfare, and secured the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
This is the only known photograph ever taken of my boil, RIP

I think I forgot to tell you about my bloody adventures in Tennessee (if I told you already please blame it on my shrinking brain and seizures and not on my advancing age). I had developed a growth on my neck and it had eventually become very itchy and red. It was growing and I just figured since my old head was malfunctioning my advanced alien mind was trying to grow a new replacement head and then it would discard the old head. The new head started to become itchy and slightly painful. I thought very little of that figuring that there had to be growing pains in manufacturing a whole new head. This was uncharted territory on this planet as far as I knew. Eventually the tip of my new tiny head started to get a white head on it and I knew it was too big to be a zit. Come to find out I had been growing my very first boil. Learning this, and having just about enough of it, I stopped by Walgreen's in downtown Gatlinburg and picked-up some razor blades, Neosporin and Band-Aids. That night, back in the hotel bathroom, I preformed a boil exorcism. I put some ice on the little medium-sized bugger for a bit to numb the area and then I made criss-cross razor blade slices on the top of my new friend and squeezed. At first it was painful and I got nothing from this uncooperative bad boy but he did not know he was dealing with tenacious me. Of course, with the slices and the water from the ice, there was quite a bit of red liquid running down my naked shoulder, back and chest. I would wipe the strawberry sno-cone blood/water combo with the tissues from the box there in the cabin bathroom and put the bloody tissues in the plastic Walgreen's bag. Eventually, I got some stuff to squeeze out of the boil and now I feel so much better. I think I ended up making about 20 slices in my neck before I was done. I had the doctor look at it yesterday and he seemed to think I did good job work and said he thinks I got all of it. Everybody says it should have smelled bad but I didn't smell anything. Maybe the discomfort from all of the neck slices made my sense of smell take a backseat? I took the Walgreen's bag FILLED entirely with a whole Kleenex box worth of bloody tissues to a trash can out in the parking lot so they didn't think I killed someone in our cabin. I bet a lot of questions were raised when they emptied that parking lot trash can.

Wow. it is 0532 now. It takes me a long time to write these blogs but: driving to a therapist, sitting in the waiting room, having the waste of time appointment to fill his/her bank account and dwindle mine and then driving back home would take much more time and money. I love writing the blog and I love that you like reading it. I may even go back to sleep (slim chance) for a bit. Why are chances measured by size? Fat chance? Slim chance? Obese Chance?  Okay, I can tell I have written enough for today. I hope you have a great Thursday and an even better Thursnight! Thank you for continuing to give me a reason to write and think. I know, by all of my typos and non-fluencies sometimes, you probably wonder if I DO think but I assure you that my spelling and brain do work better than my typing skills. Isn't that scary? TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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