Thursday, April 30, 2015

Anniversary of One of My Happiest Days Ever

Copymatts! (and Jills)
Today is Cha Cha and my wedding anniversary. I made reservations for tonight at The Baker Hotel for dinner. This is where we had our wedding reception 27 years ago tonight. Donnie Wahlburg and Jenny McCarthy got married there last year. I can understand that they would want to be like us. My guess is that they will divorced before us because we won't get divorced and Hollywood marriages don't seem to last. I had forgotten that Jenny had dated Jim Carrey. I also just learned that Melissa McCarthy is her cousin. Now I know wayyyyyy more than I want to know about Jenny McCarthy.

Yesterday I walked to the grocery store (maybe I shoudl sat "to the market" because that sounds classier) in 21 minutes and 11 seconds and, after filling my backpack with 19 pounds of items for dinner groceries, it took me 21:12 to get back home. It took a little longer because I wasn't in a Rush to get back to my Subdivisions. I walked home from the store a second time and it took 21:14. I will tell you how it is possible to walk home from the store twice while only having walked there once later in the blog.

When I got back from the store the second time I arrived to find the kitchen in total disarray. There were dishes on the floor, there was an empty plastic bag ripped apart on the floor, there was a loaf of bread on the floor with all but two slices left. I knew instantly what had happened. I had left the back door open so Jeff could come in and out. Jeff and his buddy Kona from next door ransacked the place. I had cooked three large chicken breasts that I was going to use for chicken burritos. Fortunately I had put the corn salsa I made in the refrigerator. I seeded and hollowed out tomatoes and used the tomatoes as bowl for the corn salsa - it was a big hit at dinner time. Anyway, Jeff went to lock-down for awhile and Kona was banished from the kingdom.
Not sure if that is a mommy or daddy with the baby

I love this time of year. I saw a mommy (or daddy) owl and a baby in a tree and, like every year, I saw two geese teaching their five goslings how to swim in a straight line in the lake at the entrance to our subdivision. I know geese are a-holes but they seem to be great parents. Sometimes parents have to be a-holes to protect and teach their children well. I should start carrying my camera around but my phone sufficed for the photos of the owls and the geese.Also, the camera fits right into my pocket. I may start carrying my little backpack around with me but I hate having to keep track of it. I really do appreciate you ladies and having to deal with a purse all the time. Too bad the fanny pack was so stupid-looking. With all of my time maybe I should invent a new kind of purse for my gal pals. Or maybe men and the kids should just start carrying their own crap.

While I was walking back on the bike path back home for the second time a guy was walking the other way, coming at me, with a cane like blind people use. As we got closer to one another I noticed that his fluorescent green vest thingy read "blind runner." I said "hello" as we passed and he said "hi." I didn't know if I should tell him either his vest was wrong because he was walking not running or maybe he is not sure what running is and he thinks he is running. I just left it at "hello." I cannot be in charge of everyone and solve all the world's problems.

Did they really think that learning square dancing in gym class would come in handy one day? I realize it was really about socialization but how about just have speed dating or something? Cha Cha tells me that Splenda had line dancing rather than square dancing in school. What is the deal with dancing in school having to do with shapes and geometry? Is there octagon dancing? I don't think there was any square dancing at all at our wedding and there seemed to be just about everything else. For some reason I do not think there was The Chicken Dance either thank goodness.
26 years before Wahlberg and McCarthy

I am thinking a lot about our wedding today. What a great time that was. A couple of years ago (maybe more that a couple now) Jill and I renewed our vows in Hawaii. It was a surprise to her. I didn't want to tell her ahead of time because she might not have gone on the trip. It was nice having our kids stand-up with us - they weren't there for the first one. My brother was my best man again but Mary, our maid of honor, didn't happen to be on the island that day. Maybe we can renew our vows again on our cruise; Heidelberg would be cool. Maybe Paris too. Maybe we could renew our vows in all four countries we will stop in. I just looked at our passports and I love that in the place where is says "place of birth" mine reads "Germany."

I have to get things done around the house. I have laundry going and I have already cleaned the kitchen but there is mucho more-o to get done-o. Good thing were not going to a Spanish-speaking country. Maybe I can learn Czech, French, Luxembourgish (yes, that is real though they also speak German and French). I took four years of German in high school and two years in college so I can ask where Monica is and if the post office is open. Cha Cha took French. Maybe we can brush-up on our foreign languages on the flight. Stupid Americans! I may try though my memory is failing they tell me. I am not sure if I am still a citizen of German but I have a birth certificate that says I might be and what if I completely lose my mind while there and don't know I am American? I like cheese and I hear they have good cheese there. Okay, enough of my mental wandering. Thank you for being here. I will probably blog tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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