Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Hundred Million Dollar Man!

Some photos are timeless
 I am blogging a bit earlier than I thought I would this morning; my protein-level was too low to donate plasma this morning. Se La Vie! Don't you like how the podcast is making me so worldly? That was not an accidental podcast reference - the new Dirty Laundry Podcast is up for your listening torture pleasure. This is our first "explicit" podcast (because of an audio email message we got sent) and it is border-line whether it needed to be or not but I thought better safe than sorry so we don't lose our  iTunes privileges. 

No matter how bad things get or how bad you feel they are in your life don't be discouraged. Even if you're in prison for something like running illegal dog fighting events one day you may get out of prison and get paid $100,000,000 for a six-year contract in the NFL. What Michael Vick did with the dog fighting was very wrong but he was convicted and served his time and our American-society is based on the theory that if you do something wrong that is punishable by prison once you do the time you are forgiven and you deserve a new start. I guess you can really make up for "lost time" when you get out of prison and make $17 million per year. I don't know if anyone is worth that much money with so many people without jobs. The Philadelphia Eagles could have hired 5,000 full-time employees for $20,000 per year for that kind of money. Now those 5,000 unemployed people will have to pay more money for tickets and popcorn and hot dogs and parking to see a game they cannot afford to pay for this new contract. I imagine Vick does some charity work but come on.

As long as we seem to be in the Dollars and Sense (I like that but I have to believe that's been used before) portion of the blog I heard that the United States Treasury Department may be trying to save some money to waste somewhere else (maybe they're financing the Vick/Eagles deal). For the first time ever United States savings bonds will no longer be distributed in paper form. Beginning January 1, 2012 savings bonds are going digital. I am going to sound like a MIDDLE fart here but I don't trust these new-fangled contraptions. What happens if we do lose satellites and such? I want to stuff my MATTresses full of savings bonds dagnapit!
Bond... Savings Bond

This morning I was driving over to not donate plasma and I pulled up to a red light at a stoplight. I pulled all the way up to the white line and as close as I could to the yellow center line. I do this because the lane does not have a right-turn lane and I move as far and right as I can so the people behind me can make a right on red if they wish since there is not a right-turn lane at this intersection. The guy behind me made a right turn on red and then a woman came up behind me (TWSS) with a smaller car than the guy who had just turned. She apparently was late and not a very good driver. She pulled up and started honking at me. Honking and honking and honking. I was not going to pull up into the crosswalk for her so I just sat there. I would not pull up that far for two reason: it is illegal to sit in a crosswalk and if you pull up that far there's a chance that the sensors in the road don't know you're there and you may not get a green light. I thought about getting out and going back to find out what her issue was, like I didn't already know her issue was being a crappy driver, but I did not. Then when the light turned green I thought about sitting there until it turned yellow but there were a couple of people behind her that didn't deserve Matty fun-time. As I drove through the green light she continued to honk and honk as she finally figured out how to turn her car right. I may have had an involuntary right hand twitch but I can neither confirm nor deny that nervous tic. If she reads this blog here is my advise to her: A) get up a little earlier so you don't have to rush to get where you're going B) don't pull up so far behind someone at a light that you cannot squeeze behind them and the curb (always leave yourself an out) C) maybe cut down on the caffeine or heroine a little bit in the morning and, D) quit being such a jerk. I hope this helps you have a happier life.

There is a hiring for part-time help today at my part-time job in DeKalb, IL. The interviews are first-come, first-served and will be conducted from 1PM - 4PM today. If you want details please send me a message to matthelser1@gmail.com. I will check my messages between 11:30 and noon and get back with you if you're interested.

I have some things to get done before I head to work but I will make time to check my emails before I leave. Have a nice Tuesday and enjoy the nice weather for at least another day in the MIDDLEwest. Thank you for stopping in and chillaxin' with me for a bit. TTTT...MITM (banished)

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