Monday, May 10, 2010

The Y and Manure and Floss, oh my!

Hello again. Today is senior skip day and my daughter is sick. What are the odds that she would actually be sick on senior skip day? It's probably all the running around and lack of sleep over the weekend. That and the colder weather must have run her immune system down. That's my story and I'm sticking to it (because it's based on truth). I cannot imagine answering that phone line today.

Ironman 2 made $133 million dollars opening weekend. I have decided that I should make just one hit blockbuster film then I could probably stop looking for a job so I think I am going to do that.

Last week I stopped by the YMCA to put our membership on hold for the summer since we don't use it in the summer because we can do stuff outside instead. It's $60 per month for the family membership so it adds up quickly if you're unemployed and not using it. I was told that they don't do that anymore. The irony is that last year after I got laid off I went in to cancel our membership (trying to cut whatever costs I could) and they talked me into putting the membership on hold. I didn't even know you could do that until they suggested it. So, last week I canceled our YMCA membership. The lady at the desk said they have free sign-ups a couple of times a year if we want to rejoin in the fall. It's automatic withdrawal from our bank account so there's probably very little administrative work involved. Seems asinine because they will lose people who will not come back this way rather than automatically restarting their memberships in October or November. I am sure they have their reasons but they are poor decisions from my limited point of view. I just made $720 extra per year and it forces me to see more nature this way.

If I stop my Weight Watcher online I could save another $204 per year. Now that I know what I'm doing I don't use it hardly at all so maybe I will consider that too. Up to $924 in our pockets (or not out of our pockets) if I do that.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, flossing in the shower works fine too. The only drawback with that is when you're done you have to do something with the floss. I set it outside the shower because I'm afraid if I just let it go down the drain I'd have to clean that out more than I already do. Maybe when I make my shower medicine (toothbrush) cabinet I will have a floss dispenser and disposal unit too. Or, I could invent floss that breaks down and turns to dust after one use..I'm turning into Ralph Cramden.

Did you ever notice that ducks sound just like duck calls? Whoever invented that one got it right on the money.

When I ride my bike I move pretty fast but the other day as I was struggling against the wind on the bike path I saw a guy with the wind to his back coming toward me on the road and he had the biker shorts and the helmet and the bike that weighs like negative 3 pounds cruising along and I felt like Dave Stoller (Dennis Christopher) in Breaking Away when he found out that the Italian Racing Team were a bunch of cheaters. He Did have the wind at his back though. I know if he was next to me he would have thrown a stick into my spokes.

This is a great time of year in the Middle of the cornfield; if you like the smell of manure that is. "…So, anyway, if you think about it, manure is not really that bad a word. I mean, it’s ‘newer’, which is good, and a ‘ma’ in front of it, which is also good. Ma-newer, right?" Try riding your bike with bugs flying in your mouth after they just left the field of manure Mr. Costanza and see how good a word it is. Good day sir!

I said good day! (really please have a good day)

(village people photo from, floss photo from, breaking away photo from and manure photo from

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