Tuesday, May 25, 2010

G'Day Mate!

It's Tuesday and millions of people have some extra time on their hands tonight. What are you going to do without LOST?

When I wrote my review of Iron Man 2 yesterday I forgot to include the music. The music of AC/DC really helps to get you pumped up. The soundtrack is amazing. It's the closest thing AC/DC have ever done to a "best of" compilation. Their music cannot be purchased on iTunes so if you're an AC/DC fan it's a great investment for $12 (at least that's the price at Wal-Mart). The movie School of Rock was also filled with AC/DC music but not performed by AC/DC and I checked and none of their music is on that soundtrack.

I am starting to think that I really do have an Australia / New Zealand fetish. Maybe it's because I know one day I may be partially "buried" there when some of my ashes end up in a sand castle down under. I like the koala and the wombat and the wallabee and the tasmanian devil, Men at Work seemed like fun guys, I'm a fan of the kangaroo and the kiwi, I've mentioned Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman here a couple of times, Joe Hachem is one of my favorite poker players and I have loved AC/DC since about 7th grade. I am not a fan of Nicole Kidman though, she seems annoying to me. I'm sure she says the same about me. I have liked some of her work like the movie Australia (not ironically) with Hugh Jackman. The School of Rock was full of AC/DC music too but not performed by AC/DC. I checked and there is no AC/DC music on that soundtrack.

While Sugar Momma is away I am watering the outside flowers and feeding the birds like I am suppose to. I took a picture of Cheese eating bread as I threw it to her (I will post it tomorrow). Quackers just watches from further in the back yard and acts as lookout. I even throw some bread his way but he doesn't even touch it. I have to mow the lawn this morning (I waited too long yesterday and then it got to 347 degrees outside so I didn't do it yesterday). I would have done it last night but we had a baseball game; we won 10-9 in extra innings. My son has not been hitting well and I picked him up from school (not School of Rock) and we went right to the batting cages. It really helped as he was hitting like crazy last night and had like 9 stolen bases...big boost for his ego all for $5 at a batting cage. I did mow a little yesterday with my buddy Dennis though. We helped mow the lawn at Prairie Pines in Malta. It is my new favorite public course. It is very close, it's very inexpensive, we were the only ones on the entire course (remember it was Monday and it was 347 degrees), you can see the wind turbines from most of the course, you are surrounded on three sides by fields (looks like soy beans this year to the east) and I shot very well yesterday (those are the days that you think you can golf that keep you going back to find out that you really stink). I think I will make Prairie Pines the official golf course of Matt in the Middle...won't they be excited?! I should make them a plaque.

The DVR (digital video recorder) has changed television forever. Have you noticed how creative they are getting on television commercials? They have to trick us into watching them now since we can easily skip them now. I know I have mentioned that I am an Olympic gold medal winner in DVR Controlling but they get me every now and then. I think I should start an award for most creative way to get us to watch a television commercial. Three that come to mind...Jimmy Kimmel started his show with he and a bunch of his cast regulars in a van playing cards which turned out to be a commercial but I was so impressed that they "got me" that I don't know the product (maybe Chevy?), Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam Beesley-Halpert on The Office, appears in a make-up commercial that airs almost every time I watch the office now (again product lost on me because I don't wear make-up) and IAC channel on Direct TV had a show called "Into the Heart of Italy" sponsored by Bertolli (ka-ching). It reminded me a lot of the movie Letters To Juliet. It "stars" Marisa Tomei and Dan Cortese traveling about Italy looking for ingredients. You had me at Tomei! If Marisa Tomei is in it I am watching it...is she from Australia? Do any of you other Middles remember what Wednesday used to be called? Prince Spaghetti day!...ANTHONY!

I sent Sugar Momma a text yesterday and she sent one back and I notice my text said "...I "bet it's hooter than Hell" in Texas..." I meant "hotter" than Hell but I must have been thinking about Maris Tomei and the fine family of Bertolli products.

It was hot yesterday but losing weight has helped me in that respect. Yes, it has helped for the obvious reasons but losing weight helps you stay cooler just like Labor Day does...it allows you to wear white. I used to wear mostly dark-colored clothes so I could hide my jelly rolls (not real jelly rolls the pastry but jelly rolls like my humps, my humps, my lovely Matty lumps). Who did I think I was fooling? Anyway, yesterday I wore white and it helped a great deal. Thinnership has it's privileges.

Uh oh. I think I hear thunder (not from down under either) so I had better get out there and get on walk-about behind a mower. I am gonna be flat out like a lizard drinkin' today. It looks clear out, sorta sunny, though...curiouser and curiouser. Have a great day and don't let the little things get you down. It's gonna be another hot one so stay close to the billabong. G'day Mate! Now rack off...blog you manana! More thunder...Where's my Brokeback Hat?

**wombat photo outbacked from igougo.com and bertolli ca-chinged from gpi.org **

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