Monday, May 24, 2010

Dinner Just Wantsta Have Fuu'un

Another week begins. When I was driving home from the airport yesterday I saw a bumper sticker on a car but I couldn't make it out. Finally I got to where I could read it. It was a great sentiment "watch for motorcycles." Good advise always but while I was busy trying to make out what the bumper sticker said at 80 miles per hour (hypothetically) I was busy not looking out for motorcycles; kind of counter-productive sticker I thought.

I saw an advertisement for a new Panasonic 3-D television. I hope that the economy being what it is Americans aren't the lemmings we usually are and maybe we wait on this for awhile. Why do we always have to get everything right away just to find out that they haven't gotten all the kinks out of the new product yet? Usually, if we wait, the price comes down significantly too. I am not talking specifically about this television, it may be great I don't know, but it just made me think about how impulsive we usually are as a country. The economy should force us to re-evaluate our purchasing habits. I wonder how much those tv's are.

I am still brushing my teeth and flossing in the shower and I'm convinced this is the way to go. It did make me discover, yet again, what a creature of habit I am. Right after I get out of the shower, having just brushed and flossed, I feel like I should do it again. I have brushed my teeth right after my shower for so many years that it has become so ingrained in my mind that I feel the need to brush right after I brushed.

Being creatures of habit and doing things "just because" reminded me of something that happened awhile ago. When we were kids my brother and I would get in trouble and told "no singing at the dinner table." Seemed like a good rule when I was a kid I guess. Wait, no it didn't, why couldn't we sing at the dinner table? Last year my parents were over for something and I asked my dad "why couldn't we sing at the dinner table?" He looked at me and broke into a small chuckle and said, "I don't know, that was just always the rule when I was growing up." I bet the Osmonds and the Jacksons sang at the dinner table. My advise is to sing at the dinner table. We also had to wear a shirt to the dinner table but I suppose this was an equal rights issue so my mom wouldn't have felt left out. Or maybe it was a safety issue. We can sing at our dinner table if we want to (wasn't that a Men Without Hats song?); old habits (even family traditional habits) can be broken.

LOST is over forever and Celebrity Apprentice is over for the season. I will not ruin either of them for you but, most likely, you know the endings already if you're interested. If not you can probably turn on any news or entertainment source today and get more Celebrity LOST than you want. I never watched LOST but the rest of my family did so I know the ending but I did watch Celebrity Apprentice. A few of the people on that show changed my opinions of them. I was always a fan of Cyndi Lauper but she is a loon and I don't care for her much any more. Not just because she is a loon, loons are fun, but I don't know how to describe it - maybe a little crabby too. I wasn't really very familiar with Bret Michaels other than a few of his songs and "Rock of Love" and when he started on the show I thought he was a bit of an idiot. He grew on me and I ended up liking him. He is a very nice guy with a big heart even though he is still a bit odd. Early in the season he used the word "discomboobulated" and last night he used the word "discombooberated" I don't know why but that cracks me up. I think he must read this blog and did it last night just for us. I bet he and Cyndi sing at THEIR dinner tables.

This is the last full week of school for my kids. Until then I have to get my son up and make his lunch and get him on the bus. I am going to post my review of Iron Man 2 this morning as promised. I think I will mow the lawn today and do some kitchen tiling too. Then batting cages at 3:00 with my son and baseball at 6:00. I have to remember to water the outside flowers and feed the birds while Sugar Momma is away. I will probably forget but in case she reads this blog from her hotel room she will see that my intentions were paving my way to Hell. If you're going to Hell you may as well not take a dirt or gravel road. Sounds like the destination stinks so you may as well enjoy the journey.

I know you're tired but that's why there's only one Monday a week. You can do it; make the best of it. Blog you tomorrow!

** lemmings comic jumped from, beetlejuice photo said three times from & cyndi lauper photo true-colored by numbers from **

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