Thursday, May 13, 2010

Aunie Em It's a Twister It's a Twister

The paradox is I love to listen to the rain and thunder while I am in bed but if I am asleep do I really hear it? So, up again, up again jiggedy jig. I guess if I am asleep I miss the lightning which I love too. I am like Helen Hunt in Twister. Jill's dad and I would sit out on their back deck when storms were coming in and watch. It drove her mom crazy because at the first sign of thunder or lightning she'd want the whole family down in the basement. I really miss him; he was a great father-in-law. He went way before his time. I wish my kids had gotten to know him better. Three of the best men I have ever known have come from Jill's family: Her grandpa Loren, her dad Jerry and her brother Tom. Loren and Jerry are both gone but, thankfully, Tom is still here. My dad is also one of the best men I've ever known and I am grateful he is still here too. He comes to almost all of the kids' events (baseball last night) even though he is still in Boulder Hill (Montgomery, IL). It's at least a half hour each way. I hope I have learned a little something from all of these great men which have helped me become the person I am. (side note - we won our game 7-6 in extra innings just before the rain started)

Maybe today I can invent a way to hang the clothes out to wash rather than to dry? If it rains and then stops and gets windy I could do the entire wash and dry cycles on the line. I've typed it before but, a boy can dream. I want to get one of those umbrellas hats like Ray Rayner used to wear. Ray Rayner was the host of a children's morning show in Chicagoland back when my Middle was not Middle yet.

What the heck is going on in Arizona? Are they gonna secede from the Union or are they trying to get evicted? Now they have just passed a law that doesn't allow the teaching of ethnic studies in schools. As a person of color (we're all mutts really) I think it's high time someone did something about the racist ethnic practice of St. Patrick's Day! Aren't we all ethnic? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary ethnic means "of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background." That sounds like pretty much all of us so I guess no classes for you Arizona. Maybe they're trying to get rid of education all together so the children of Arizona can be dumb enough to grow up to be state legislators. I heard that The Chicago White Sox are even considering not holding their Spring Training in Arizona any more. The federal government needs to step in and give Arizona a dressing down. Mother country one of your children is acting up and needs a good b-slap! Bottom line is we are all probably descended from African tribes so we are all the same people. Say it Rodney King..."Can't we all get along?" We're gonna miss you Grand Canyon!

They say that all things go full circle but it seems like America is more of a pendulum and it appears we are swinging the other way.

Yesterday morning Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996) was on. It was the final episode. I saw it in passing and set the DVR and watched it later while I took my lunch break. I think I had probably stopped watching the show by the time the final episode aired because my daughter was already almost 5 and my son was almost here/born (weird). Anyway, in the last two episodes the Banks family was selling their home and do you know who bought the house? George and Weezie Jefferson (The Jeffersons). Talk about "movin' on up." Mr. Drummond and Arnold (Diff'rent Strokes) also looked at the house but decided against it. Arnold even said, "whatchu talkin' 'bout Will?" I think that young Will Smith kid might do something big...just a hunch.

Alicia Keys is down to her final 53 candidates for her Head Blogger. I didn't even make the top 53. I can't believe a Middle-aged white guy in the Middle of the country can't be the Head Blogger for an international recording star. What is she from Arizona? Head Blogger for hire - available immediately - doesn't really know anything but he sure does ramble on...

Wow, it's really pouring right now - heavy rinse cycle if I had gotten the clothes out on the line. I think Sugar Momma's dad and grandpa are letting me know they are reading my blog and I am in their top 53...take that Alicia Keys! I have always been a person that thinks everything is a sign but, ironically, I ignore most of them, hmmmm.

Have a great day and take an umbrella hat with you if you live in America today. I'll talk to you Friday. And, I haven't said it in a while, so...thank you for reading my blog, it really means a lot to me. Even if Alicia Keys doesn't appreciate me I know you do :)

**twister photo spun from, ray rayner photo crafted from, grand canyon photo seceded from, and fresh prince photo "moved" from**


  1. I love listening to rain and thunder as well. With all of those storms in IL we passed up a good opportunity to form a club!

  2. Now we'll just have to form a national club rather than just a local chapter Debbie.

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