Friday, May 28, 2010

Let's All Do The Wave!

It's the Friday of a holiday weekend; that's never a bad thing. Maybe it is. I bet it stinks for the trash collectors. I'm not talking about you Bret Michaels. Now they have to work harder next week but it's still not a bad thing this week so, I guess it still is never a bad thing.

Yesterday I was going to go see Sex and the City 2 but I made the mistake of starting to grout the brick in the kitchen. Eight hours later, having grouted all day, I was getting ready to coach little league. I got a little over-ambitious and grouted pretty far ahead. The directions said to let the grout sit 10-30 minutes before removing the grout. It seems that the pasty grout changes properties after too long and turns into Titanium. Have you ever tried to wipe Titanium away with a wet sponge? It doesn't work so well. I was using scouring pads and steel wool and even had the dynamite lit before I had to blow the fuse out to get the baseball lineup ready. Now my hands ache so much I can barely type but I have made a commitment to you to do this blog and, gosh darn it, I live up to my commitments.

I hear a fire truck close. I haven't been downstairs yet this morning I hope it isn't something to do with my grouting. I hope I blew that fuse out all the way.

So, today I have to finish up the grouting. Remember when I said this project would be worth the time and money? What I have done so far looks great but I am starting to wonder if it was worth was. The full use of my hands for a better-looking kitchen. What good is a kitchen if I can't cook because I have no use of my hands? What a quandary! It's a mystery! It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma!

Sugar Momma got home from Austin last night and Splenda's last day of school was yesterday so now the big push is on to "get this house ready for graduation." The house is ready it's everything else that isn't. We can't start getting it ready too early because we cannot keep it clean since we're always going eleven-and-a-half different directions at the same time. We have to stress ourselves out and do it all at the last minute. It makes the margaritas taste all that much better.

My "favorites" and "stored" phone numbers and "saved" email addresses are ruining my memory. I used to know everybody's numbers and addresses by heart but now I don't have to so I can't. I know it's not age that's making me forget things it's this dang-dab-blammed technology. Curse you Oppenheimer and Edison and Franklin! I guess it's no different than having an address book. Sorry I blew up (not that kind of blew up...the fuse is not lit). Bless you Edison and Franklin...I'm still a little suspicious of you Oppenheimer. Cell phones and texting and computers make missing people something of the past. I think something is lost since we can't "miss" people like we once did. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder but there is to absence anymore. I miss missing people. I want my heart to grow fonder.

I work tomorrow for a College of Law graduation. I know what you're thinking...Matt what advise are you going to give these future magistrates and noble-people? I haven't decided yet but I am sure I will be quite an inspiration to them.

The last time I worked my part-time job I worked security which I hadn't done before. They put me out back making sure people had passes to enter a certain parking lot. I was out there alone and I wasn't sure if I was Gomer Pyle or Floyd Lawson. I had gotten temporarily deputized and put where I could cause the least amount of trouble. At least Floyd and Gomer got rifles on occasion; maybe I'm more like Leon.

I didn't even have time to work out yesterday so I'm dreading doing it today. Whatever doesn't kill us just probably shortens our lives. That's not right...whatever doesn't kill us just makes us stronger for the less time that it lets us live. Speaking of that, one of my parents' friends since high school passed away the other day. He was only four months older than my dad. It reminds me that my parents aren't going to be here forever. I am fortunate to still have them both. I don't know how I will take it when they die. Well, that's cheery.

Don't you hate the people who don't wave when you let them cut in front of you? IT ONLY TAKES 2 SECONDS TO WAVE! Every time this happens I vow to myself that I will never let anybody cut in front of me again.
Until next time because I am a nice guy and I have faith in humanity and I know the next person will wave. And then they wave so I let another one in and they don't wave so I will never let anybody else in front of never ends. JUST WAVE PEOPLE!!! THAT'S ALL I ASK!

Have a nice Friday. I intend to blog every day over the Memorial Day weekend like always but I will understand if you don't read them until Tuesday when you get back to work and need to kill time while those reports print or you are waiting for a meeting or you are just thinking, "I wonder what that idiot wrote about over the weekend." I'll tell you what he's thinking.."JUST WAVE!"

Be safe. Blog you later!

** mayberry photo handcuffed from & both wave photos let cut in front of me from

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