Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday Mulchy Sunday!

I didn't think I would be one of those parents that got sad when my kids went off to college. I know I will miss them but I thought I would just be excited for them, which I am. I think the closer it gets to my daughter leaving the more I will find that I was wrong. I will be excited for her but I will be very sad too. I should have gotten an idea when she went to Costa Rica over Spring Break. I am very happy that she is going to be moving on with her life but I will miss her every single day.

Good luck to my friend Brian with his carpel tunnel surgery today. I know you are a loyal Matt In The Middle reader Brian and I am sorry if my blog played a role in your affliction. I should start a blog-on-tape program. Too bad Charlton Heston is dead; he was always the go-to guy to read anything on tape. If you can't use the mouse give me a call and I will personally read it to you every day.

A lot of yard work yesterday. It was a great day to be outside and mow and mulch. Most days are great days to be outside actually. I didn't realize it until yesterday but I am living with a mulch snob. She doesn't like certain colors because they look like the stuff the park district uses when they mulch the old trees and such. Snob!

Yesterday while we were at Menard's I was confronted with a nature vs. nurture issue. I have always believed that we are a combination of all of our surroundings so I believe nature and nurture both have large (probably equal) roles in who we become. It's weird to think about this while shopping for shrubbery (said in my best Monty Python voice) but I saw a mother and daughter chewing gum the exact same way and that's what came to mind. Gotta keep my mind occupied while Mulch Snob examines every plant in their entire stock plus I have a responsibility to you to blog (and guard this cart of peat moss and mulch with my last bored, dying breath). I overheard at least two other sets of people discussing high school graduation (about two weeks away) and that's why they were at Menard's. We all want to pretend that our yards always look like we have our own private landscaping people. Our yard does, however, always look very nice because Sugar Momma has a tremendous green thumb.

Jill loves breakfast. It probably comes from being a farmer's daughter since breakfast seems to be the most important meal of the day for the farmers. That's right, I married the farmer's daughter. So, yesterday we went for breakfast. On Mother's Day we went to The Fourth Street Cafe in Dekalb...a greasy spoon to say the least that I would not recommend unless you are looking to recreate the truck stop scene from Dumb & Dumber (I'm sure you'll easily find someone to play the role of Sea Bass). Yesterday we tried a place called Flappy's Pancake House in Dekalb ( across from Hopkins Park pool. Wow, this place was great. Good-sized portions, good prices, pleasant atmosphere...I highly recommend Flappy's if you're stuck in the Middle of our cornfield and are looking for energy to make it make to your own Middle. I had Flappy's Lo Cal Club. For $5.95 I got two poached eggs, an English muffin, fruit, cottage cheese and juice (I had grapefruit). I ordered the eggs "as hard as you can get them" and they came back runny but the waitress noticed they were wrong before I even looked at them and sent them back to harden them. Very friendly staff. Every time I have ever ordered poached eggs hard the chefs don't seem to like to cook them that way. ** Matt tipping rule - always tip better percentage-wise (I'm talking 25% - 30%) at breakfast because most of the old-timers (not Middles) leave less that a dollar for tips I have noticed and these people work hard** Yesterday a movie review (Robin Hood) and today a restaurant review. I am becoming a regular Matt About Town. Another sign that the place is good...a lot of Cadillacs in the parking lot...Cadillac people know their breakfast. We also saw Joanne Boardman there. I know she's Joanne Boardman because she had a handmade sign around her neck from church that had her name on it. Her husband must be Ricard or Robert because the license plate on their Caddy started with "RBOARD." I doubt they are in the Witness Protection Program.

I hear the birds waking up. I use to think birds chirping meant that it was going to be a nice day weather-wise. Last week when it was pouring outside they were singing too so I guess that isn't always the case. I don't know where I got that idea.

A Middle of the cornfield report...the corn has broken the surface and will definitely be knee high by the fourth of July. I am not, nor have I ever been, a farmer but it's already knee high to my dog so it will absolutely be knee high to someone or something.

It must be 5:00 because the three horse-sized (Great Danes) dogs next store are barking. Almost time to get the troops up and make lunches. If you haven't read my first movie review ever, and if you are interested, scroll down to older posts and look two post ago for my Robin Hood review (posted yesterday before my regular blog posting). Have a good day, the birds are predicting that you will.

**belushi photo food-fouyght from, shrubbery graphic ni'd from, dumb & dumber photo mopeded across country from and brave sir robin photo flesh-wounded from**

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