Monday, May 3, 2010

What Was This About Again?

3:31 and all's well!!! The birds aren't up yet. Lazy birds. They go to nest (bed) early and wake up late. I wish I liked worms; they wouldn't get any. That stinks...I AM the early bird and I can't even reap the main benefit.

Yesterday when I worked out I was having a hard time remembering if I did a certain set after I moved on to the next set. I think it's just because I was listening to the music and thinking about other things to take my mind off the pain of the workout. I didn't feel like "feeling the burn" yesterday. It made me think of that old saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder." When you get to be in the Middle ages, not the Robin Hood with Russell Crowe "Middle Ages" since that was a long time ago but the Middle ages like in your forty's, you forget stuff. "If you love something set it free and if it comes back..." (or some such nonsense). I believe there is a grain of truth to that but I think it was a Middle person who made that up because if we set something free by the time it gets back it seems new and we don't remember that we didn't like that thing that much in the first place so we get to start over and find out those things that we actually liked about that thing all over again. If it doesn't come back we don't remember it anyway. This is a great saying but it doesn't work if you're have to wait until you're seasoned and your memory is failing. I must have loved a lot of sets of keys and marbles over the years.

What does it mean if your palms itch? I painted yesterday and my hands have white primer all over them so maybe they're just dry. Maybe getting up at 3:00ish every morning and having itchy palms means I have some kind of power. We've established (possibly/theoretically) that it means I am in touch with nature and the spirit world so maybe I am supposed to start predicting the future or something. Do I really want to know the future? I can barely handle the present. Unless it's that kind of good telling of the future that lets me save lives and win money and that kind of future. I would definitely be a superhero if I could tell the future. Itchy Palms Man or Forgetful Man or Super Blogger? I'd have to have a better power than just telling the future to be a Super Hero I would think. I have to find the criteria before I try to develop my powers. Matty senses are the new Spidey senses!

I think I hear my first bird chirping (4:21AM)..."go back to sleep dude the worms are all gone!" (burp)

The Earth is still bleeding off the Gulf Coast. They can't stop the oil pouring from the center of our World. I bet you anything that the fuel prices go up soon. Better fill your vehicles and lawnmowers now...not only is the summer travel coming up (where they always get us) but now they have two reasons for their usual summer gouging.

Two days to Cinco De Mayo! I like this one better than St. Patrick's Day because I like Mexican food better than Irish food even though I have Irish ancestry. The drinks (Margarita...) are better too. They didn't even have to come up with a character like a leprechaun but someone probably will...I vote for Speedy Gonzales for patron mouse of Cinco De Mayo! We need "people" like Speedy Gonzales to look out for us little people (figuratively little as he is a mouse and we are bigger than him) right now. I never really thought of Speedy as a super hero until now but I guess he was a super hero by thumbing his Limburger (or Chihuahua) nose at the establishment. We need him now more than ever. Good luck getting through Arizona Speedy - luckily he's fast!

(Robin Hood photo robbed from the rich at, magic eight ball photo miracled from and speedy gonzalez picture stolen at the speed of light from

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