Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Final Will and Testament - Again!

I am really tired. Yesterday I only slept bit in the morning and the plan was to sleep three or four hours before work. I went to bed and just laid there like a slug. So, I went to work with about three hours of sleep. I have done that many times over the years but, as Murphy's law would have it, yesterday some people called-off and some had work limitations. I like to work and I give my work 100% ninety percent of the time but why does stuff like this always happen when I am not 100% myself? So, now I am exhausted (though I did sleep five hours this morning after work). And I have to work in eight hours again. I also have to run some errands with Fabio (for Fabio) and he is dragging his feet. It is getting very close to him running his errands by himself. I haven't eaten for about 20 hours so maybe that has something to do with my mood too.

Now it is 1500. Fabio and I went up town or downtown (not really sure what the difference is). He is building his own computer and he has run into a few obstacles so we took it down to the computer place in downtown (that one I know). I am impressed that he ordered all the parts, had them delivered and is trying to build a computer. He has run into a few stumbling blocks but this is how we learn. On the way back we stopped and got some food at Subway. I actually like Subway and their food works well with the food regimen I am on now. I got a turkey on wheat and a bag of Baked Lays. I love Baked Lays; I would say that they are my favorite chip. I really should get some residuals for plugging products on here all the time. We brought the food home and ate at the table like a real family (minus some family members). I grabbed a bottle of Diet A & W Root Beer (cha-ching) because "I think a man feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds, that's only my opinion." Too bad it wasn't Dog N' Suds.

So, I am over my hump for the week. Then, next weekend, Cha Cha and I are gonna take a little road trip. I love taking road trips but they always make time go so quickly. I am at the age now where I just want sit with my nine toes in the hot sand and listen to the ocean try to wear itself out. One day I will be part of that. In case you haven't been here when I have written what I want to happen after my death - I want to be burned-up into ash and then placed in a coffee can or something (not really too particular of my mode of transportation at that point - whoever does it just be creative and make this yours) and taken to the ocean. I want my ashes sprinkled into the water and washed out to sea. That way, if you ever want to visit me you can. I could be right there in your toilet staring up at your bum. You could go to any body of water in the world and there is a chance that I would be there with you. I love everything about the ocean; the smells, the beauty of the sunsets and sunrises, the feel of the spray and the warm sun on my face, the taste of the salt in the air but, most of all, I love the sounds of the waves crashing to the shore and washing back out and coming right back again. I am now thinking about where I want to be sprinkled. My two choices, based on past vacations, are: anywhere in Hawaii or by the pier next to the Conch Republic Seafood Restaurant in Key West, Florida. Key West would be nice for people to come on down and have a margarita and see me off. I think I would like to be actually put into the water while it was raining; it rains there about every day some time or other, That would help my remained get churned-up nicely and that is what it was like when Cha Cha and I were down there one year for my birthday. Now I feel like dying just so I can go back down there.

It is almost 1630 now and I need to try to get a few more things done and get some sleep so I am not the zombie that I was by the end of work last night / this morning. Thank you for letting me get my last will and testament out there again. Wouldn't it be weird if I died tonight? Whenever I say stuff like that someone always says "don't say that!"  Is my saying it going to make it happen? It hasn't yet! I don't have that kind of power in this life - probably because I could not be trusted with it. Have a great night. I will blog again after I live through tonight again. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

1 comment:

  1. Apropos of nothing, except coincidence, I watched "The Shawshank Redemption" last night as part of my ongoing reviews. Something about great minds...but it's us. So. We were on the same page in the last couple days.
