Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cha Cha's Liver News Revealed Today

The bottom one looks more appetizing actually
Great news for Cha Cha yesterday. She does not have cirrhosis of the liver. The doctor told her she can even have wine from time to time. He probably should have defined "from time to time." I still will not be drinking. I have nothing to escape from and I have rediscovered how much cheaper things are when I do not drink. Maybe if, one day, they decide to give free refills like they do with soft drinks I will reconsider this stance. It started as support for Cha Cha and now it is more about the empty calories. I suppose soft drinks are cheap to give refills for since they are mainly water. So, bottom line, Jill is in better health now than she has been for most of the time we have known each other. And people thought I would be bad for her - HA! I don't know if people thought that but I do know she could have done much better than me; good thing she could drink back when we met.

Thanks to ZzzQuill I slept nearly five hours; it is a few minutes before noon right now. I don't know why I even got up though because I could easily sleep a few more hours. I will do some things around the hours, eat some lunch which is really my breakfast since I haven't eaten since dinner last night and then maybe take another Zzzs before work.

Yesterday I put a picture of "Papa John" Schnatter saying how he is under no obligation to share his profits with his employees on my Facebook. page. We have boycotted Papa John's in our house for over a year now to the dismay of one teenage boy in the house because of Schnatter's dismissive treatment of his employees. Actually the pizza was never one of my favorites anyway so the boycott was not that difficult for me. This is America and he has the right to treat his employees anyway he wishes financially and we have the right not to buy his product. I applaud him for doing what he thinks is right because of something he believes in but I think people are more important than profits. Maybe this is why I was never cut-out to be a business owner - I have a bleeding heart. I have worked for people with similar feelings about employees and it is fine some days but, when you take a vacation at Christmas time after working 70 hours a week for the entire year and you find that everybody got a Christmas bonus but you because you took your approved family vacation and one of the owners decided to pocket your cash because you were not there the day they were handed-out you kind of become jaded (run-on sentence much?). Anyway, I thought a lot about the photo I posted and my comment "douche." Why has that become an insult? Douche bags and, more recently in history disposable douches, are very good and important products. I am starting to think being called a douche is a compliment and I wanted to set the record straight that when calling Papa John a douche it was not meant as a compliment. I apologize for offending all douche bags everywhere.

I think maybe business owners were smarter when they just let spokespeople do their advertisements, statements and the like. Everybody wants to be a star with the media the way it is now and, for some it works and for some it does not.

I keep seeing commercials for the upcoming AMC series Better Call Saul and that French dude is still bothering me trying to interview me about Bob Odenkirk. No thank you means no thank you.

That tirade about that pizza guy made me think that being called "childish" is a good thing too. "Childlike" seems to be a compliment but "childish" is not. "Ish," in this case, means having the qualities of a child. Just like every other group in our world there are good children and bad children just as there are good dogs and bad dogs, good women and bad women, good men and bad men, good business owners and bad business owners...  Maybe jerkish would be better because there is not usually a good jerk (as it relates to people). Also, no MATTer how old we become, we are all still somebody's children whether our parents are gone or still here. Being a child is a gift.

I just had a Lean Cuisine chicken panini and I am still hungry. I am think about having some peas. Peas and broccoli seem to be my fall-back snacks lately. That panini is the only thing that I have had to eat in about 20 hours because of work and sleep so I may go and spend a few more of my points before I nap again before work. Leonardo da Vinci used to sleep in shifts too you know. He actually slept more than two times in a 24-hour period. I am a only biphasic sleeper but he was a poliphasic sleeper. Baby steps sleeps before I am as brilliant as he was.

Have a great rest of your day. I thank you, as always, for stopping by to read the blog for a few minutes. I am so happy that tonight is my Friday. I bet that is the sentiment I express most often here in the blog. I have been feeling a bit punky and I have thought about calling in sick tonight but I am not that bad. I will save being sick for my weekend unless I wake-up from sleep number two and feel worse. I hate calling-off sick though. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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