Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Bloggin' Russell, Mickey and "The Duke"

Howard Hughes knew talent!
March came in like somewhere between a lamb and a lion. What would be a chilly, windy animal that March came in like? March came in like a Matt In The Middle...at least the windy part holds true. I am anything but chilly...more like hot, hot, hot, not, not, not - but not chilly.

Three very big celebrities passed away recently; we lost Duke Snider and Jane Russell. Celebs do go in threes!

This morning I went to donate plasma and then went grocery shopping (second time this week already) and then I stopped by Border's books to see what kind of a sale they have going since they are leaving very soon. Most things are 20% off but magazines are 40% off so I got the new Men's Health. I also bought another pair of cheaters (you MIDDLES know what I am talking about). They were 30% off. I will wait a few weeks and go back when books are 40% off. I won't say print is dead but remember...I am going to start a podcast soon so I am trying to get ahead of the death of the blog. But maybe I will keep blogging with the new cheaters.
     A week from today is Matt Tuesday. It used to be known as Fat Tuesday but that will never happen again. To make sure that doesn't happen I worked out last night for the 28.33rd time this year. That is 28.33 times out of 59 days this year so far. Me keeping track and being accountable on this blog page has made me really committed. Now, I just have to get more committed to writing my book(s).
I thought Denver Pyle (Uncle Jesse) was dead
     Charlie Sheen cannot keep his big drunken (allegedly), coked-up (allegedly) mouth shut. At least he gives me, and every news agency, stuff to write about. I saw this morning that there is competition for me becoming his replacement. John Stamos is being considered to replace Sheen on Two and a Half Men. Uncle Jesse? That's not the way it's supposed to work. Normally, mainly in sports and business, there is a relatively unknown person who takes the interim job to do a crappy job and be blamed for everything and then the next person comes in and is loved. I am the guy that should be the one that everybody hates (while making thousands and thousands of dollars) before Stamos comes in and saves the day. I don't mind being the rich sacrificial Matt! I bet I would at least get on Jimmy Kimmel Live! or the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson to promote the podcast and blog. Those are my two favorite talk shows which is why I'd go on those two.

While donating plasma I was reading the local paper. Why do people with suspended licenses or no vehicle insurance always drive without their seat belts on or run stop signs? If you were driving without insurance or with a suspended driver's license wouldn't you be overly-cautious and follow all of the rules so as to not get caught. I hate to call these people morons...no I don't...these people are morons. I guess I am glad they are because they don't deserve to be driving but let's thin the herd and send them to the gas chamber (this is for entertainment purposes and nobody at Matt In The Middle Entertainment Worldwide really wants these people to be sent to the gas chamber...maybe a firing squad? no)
...with tonight's guest MITM (dream sequences)
I have to go finish Fen Shui-ing the living room or family room or whatever that room is that I am Fen Shui-ing (TWSS). Real quick...I eat a handful of almonds every day for the protein. Today I bought Blue Diamond Almonds flavored with wasabi and soy sauce (ca-ching)...OMG!!!! They are awesome! I am wild about wasabi! I will sign a deal right now to hawk these suckers when I get on Two and a Half Men, the Interim, Pre-Uncle Jesse Years. Sign me now Blue Diamond because my price goes up the day I sign the episode-to-episode contract. TTTT...MITM (wasabi-ing out)
cue the beginning of my start on Two and a Half Men

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