Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Howard Hughes Monday!

Best not drop in unannounced today
I feel like today is going to be a Howard Hughes day for me. Of course, I am talking about his days in Vegas while he was having a breakdown and staying locked in a room alone totally nude with bottles of his urine lining the walls. It is still the end of the month and it seems that my Pre-Mattstruation Syndrome has turned into full-blown Hughesmanship (I would be happier to deal with it if I get some of the monetary benefits). I think I may just still be over-tired (allegedly).

Once I snap out of it I am going to put the finishing touches on the Dirty Laundry podcast so it will launch in 4 days; man, that went fast.

I was passing by a television last night and I saw a commercial for a new episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska. I thought that I had heard that her show got canceled so I stopped in my papa bear tracks. Upon further examination the commercial was for a show called Only In America with Larry The Cable Guy." I think it may actually be the same show with Daniel Lawrence Whitney (Larry the Cable Guy) playing the part of Sarah Palin. That's exactly what they need to do on Two and a Half Men; drop Larry the Cable Guy in there.

Well, I made one prediction for the NCAA Tournament and Kansas was knocked off yesterday by 11th seed VCU. Sorry if your were pound-foolish enough to listen to me. I know Academy Awards but I guess NCAA basketball is a little above my blog-grade. I watched quite a bit of the game. Actually, I sat down to watch four hours of commercials and they kept interrupting the commercials with a few minutes of basketball here and there. While I am on the subject of commercials - remember how I have blogged you a few times about the blatant Chevrolet advertisement/logo placements in Hawaii Five-O?  In last week's episode they took it to a new level. All of the good guys were driving Chevy's and all of the bad guys were driving Ford's. It was crazy; I guess they continue to get advertisements that way and through weak-minded people who blog about such nonsense.
Elvis' famous Jungle Den ("The Jungle Room")

While we were at Graceland last week we were talking to one of the security guards and he was telling us that there have only been two people he has ever seen go up to the Elvis' bedroom/bathroom (where Elvis died and "lived") besides members of Elvis' family and/or The Memphis Mafia. I know some of you know who these two individuals were since Sugar Momma (her new nickname is coming after the first podcast because I don't want to steal her podcast thunder) posted it on her Facebook. Can you guess who the two people were who were allowed upstairs above The Jungle Room? I will tell you in a minute to give you time to think (or stop here for a moment). If there's any place in America that needs a ghost hunter to check out I think it's Graceland. Elvis died here somewhat violently, gastronomically speaking, and he, his parents and his grandmother are all buried there. Plus, this is the place he loved so where would he spend eternity if he got to choose? If there are ghosts they should be here right? "Followed the ghost of Elvis..." Also, a week from today is the 43rd anniversary of the day that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. Okay, the two people who have been upstairs in Graceland are: Michael Jackson and Nicholas Cage (both ex-husbands of Lisa Marie Presley).

I still haven't put a dent in my blogbook but it's getting there. I will post some of our Mississippi Delta get-away on my Facebook while I am working of the Dirty Laundry. Spring's almost here be patient. I will blog you tomorrow in less of a bad mood (83.2% guaranteed). TTTT...MITM (out)
cue the music Hal

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