Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Urho's Day (and you thought I'd forget)

The Patron Saint of Bobbleheads
Happy St. Urho's Day! You know how I like to wish you whatever day it is. This morning I logged onto Facebook, which made an awesome "upgrade" I will call it, and I saw Nature Girl wishing me, and everyone, (but everything is about "me") a Happy St. Urho's Day. I thought I would pass it along to you. St. Urho is goin' viral. Does it surprise you that Nature Girl would be the one to honor, let's call it, a holiday that pays tribute to Finland's patron saint of grapes and/or grasshoppers. You remember St. Urho's; he's the one who drove the grasshoppers from the vineyards in Finland. I thought he was the Greek dude that invented the Gyros until I Googled him. Today we drink wine and tomorrow we drink green beer. With all of this European fun I wonder why in the heck we ever came to The New World? The glass is always greener I suppose (OMG, I still got it!)

I have just spoken to (Facebook messaged) the man who will be writing the Dirty Laundry podcast. I don't want to mention who it is but he is known by many of you. He is so talented that he has free-reign on the song. I already love the song and I don't even know what genre of music he will be producing it in. I am metro-sexually excited.
Mattgarita Island 2011 sandbag relief effort
I just added a selfish act and an unselfish act to the chart I am keeping for myself over there in the right margin. Tell me what you think - selfish and unselfish? Sugar Momma and I went for a walk the other night. We do that most nights when the weather allows; it gives us time to talk about this and that without any distractions (kind of like a podcast). This time we talked mostly about Dirty Laundry - coming to you soon to a pod or a cast near you. While we were walking toward the back of our unfinished subdivision, that is actually probably finished now given the housing market, we walked past a bunch of bags full of sand littering our neighborhood. When the Snowpocalypse and Stormageddeon started the city blocked off the back of our subdivision, where there are no houses yet, with road barricades held down by sandbags. The barricades are gone but the "litter" was left. Every year Mattgarita Island loses sand to the ocean erosion (you might call it wind) so it needs to be replenished. So, this morning I put a tarp in the back of the family truckster and went and picked up the bags and will dispose of the rubbish at no cost to anyone other than the residents of Mattgarita Island. No charge for the fuel, the labor or the usual disposal fees. Mattgarita Island recycles the sand and will dispose of the bags while stoking summer fires. It's the circle of sandbags! Mattgarita Island Cares!
Touche' Mr. Gervais. He blogs so now I must podcast
I will be so happy when the podcast starts so when I see how time is running out and I have more to talk about I can just talk faster; typing faster doesn't seem to let me fit more into the same space.

I heard that Gilbert Gottfried apologized (via Twitter) for his insensitive remarks (tweets) about the Japan tsunami / earthquake. Joan Rivers came to his defense basically saying that he is a comedian and that's what comedians do. She is right. Other than Gottfried getting fired as the AFLAC duck it seems like it blew over quickly. His saying that his tweets were insensitive helped a lot to let him move on. It seems that he will be able to put this behind him quicker than Ricky Gervais could for lampooning celebrities...should have tweeted Ricky! That seems to do the trick these days. Tricks for Tweets (wow that was lame...I wish I would have tweeted it instead).

Oh, the awesome "upgrade"  I mentioned about Facebook is the ability to just hit enter to add your comments rather than having to click on the "comment" box. I think that's EUG!

Have a festive St. Urho's Day / St. Patrick's Day Eve. I'll blog you again tomorrow if I am able. I have a bad typing shoulder (another reason to podcast) and after I workout later today I may not be able to type. I may be looking for a personal blogsistant soon which may turn into a podsistant job. TTTT....MITM (wining out for St. Urho's sake) TA!

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