Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Fickle Finger of Fate Blog!!!

The MITM Fickle Finger of Fate Award goes to...Me!
I left the house this morning on the way to get rid of some unwanted plasma. As I got to the front of the subdivision, maybe it's the back when I'm leaving I'm not sure how that works, I realized that I didn't have Roz's leash (headphones/ear buds) with me. I hesitated for a moment and thought about turning around, I actually made one of those half-turn deals like I was starting to turn, but decided I could do without the music while donating this morning. I just like the music to drown out the distractions around me so I can read Mr. Twain.That was the beginning of the downward spiral of the morning. Maybe it was something going on similar to The Adjustment Bureau, the movie I reviewed yesterday at Middle Movie Reviews.  Maybe something was trying to change my fate for the day? So, I went over and went through the usual procedures at BioLife plasma center. While the lady was checking my blood I asked her if she could let me know the protein level because last time I was at 61 and really amp'ed up the protein over the last couple of days and I wanted to make sure it was working. After a bit she turned to me and said, "it's 59...too low to donate." I am totally straddling that 60 cut-off mark. I don't really care that much about the donating but what in the heck is going on with my protein? Between yesterday and this morning I had 2 protein bars, two scoops of protein powder (two scoops like Raisin Bran) in my morning shake when I usually only have one scoop, had a Smart Ones egg sandwich for breakfast and I had fish for lunch yesterday and shrimp for dinner last night. So then, being turned away like Baby Cheeses, I go grocery shopping (and buy more wasabi and soy sauce almonds because I had run out) and then go to Border's to get a book about Garageband to learn more for the podcast; they don't open until 10:00. Everything was thrown outta whack today and I probably would have met someone that would have changed my life had things changed. Maybe I would have been killed...who knows? Not me! But, it did change today's blog already with that incredibly long paragraph...damn you MITM's Adjustment Bureau!!!

That really is going to change the blog a lot today. I have a lot of great, award-winning notes in the blog book and now they will put off until tomorrow or perhaps never even be used.

Chuck is a nickname for Charlie isn't it? Suspicious!
My good friend Sergeant John posted something on his Facebook page yesterday that made me think about the possibilities for Two and a Half Men after the firing of Charlie Manson Sheen. It was a clip of the show Roseanne when they replaced the actress who played the Becky character. It became a running gag on the show. There have been so many occasions in television when they just replaced characters and moved on. There were two different Darren's in Bewitched, the two different Becky's on Roseanne, two different Glady Kravitzes on Bewitched, an entire season that was a dream (season eight) on Dallas and an entire series that was a dream on Newhart when Dick Loudon woke up as Dick Hartley and his wife was the wife from his previous series The Bob Newhart Show. Aunt Vivian on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sure changed a lot. What in the Helser happen to Chuck Cunningham on Happy Days? He just up and disappeared. Just throw me in there and I will just be Uncle Charlie on Two and a Half Men - no big whoop. Better yet, have Gavan O' Herilhy step in and take over the role.  

I found out that it was National Crabmeat Day yesterday after I, coincidentally, ate imitation crabmeat for lunch. I am subconsciously almost in-tune with the days. Imitation crab is the sincerest form of crabmeat flattery I understand.

Since the MITM Adjustment Bureau changed the blog for today I probably didn't blog something that would have caused your life to change. One tiny ripple in my blog may have caused you to have a better or worse day. If you have a great day I will take credit and, likewise, if you have a bad day I will take the blame. Please have a nice day because I do tend to blame myself for everything; it comes from low protein levels I think. TTTT...MITM (Garagebanding out) TA!

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