Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is that a Pickle in Your Pocket?

I heard on the radio this morning that it's Ass Wednesday? What's that all about? I am pretty sure it was directed at me though. Fat Tuesday makes us a little chunkier so now we get called names? I don't think I want to take any part of this whole deal. (I edited myself here with a Hump Day reference - I am getting better - insert your own Hump Day joke here but just know that mine was really good/bad and in poor taste - surprised?)
high school art classes have changed a lot
Last night at work we hosted a couple of high school supersectional basketball games. The second game had a mascot that I had never seen or heard of before - they were The Ghosts. You know me and my fascination with death and cemeteries so I was stoked (I am going to start working that word into my everyday vernacular - I don't think I will use "vernacular" more though). I was a little disappointed when I saw the mascot. At first I thought maybe the mascot was there and we just couldn't see it with our naked eyes but then the mascot showed up. I thought it looked kind of like a candle with eyes and a mouth but my friend Security Jon made a better observation...from the back it looked kind of like a sperMATTozoa. Then it all made sense - the school had a three letter abbreviation; I think it may have been I.U.D.! Practice safe mascoting boys and girls. The team they were playing's fans all had the Ghostbusters logo on stuff...they weren't afraid and it paid off...they were able to trap the ghosts in their ecto-containment unit defense and not get slimed. Sometimes "I ain't afraid" is enough!

I am writing the blog early this morning because I managed to get into this chair after getting school lunch made and such. My back is killing me. Is it a coincidence that my back hurts the day after Chiropractic Kevin became a "liker" of the Matt In The Middle Facebook page? Of course it's a coincidence but you know me..I like to stir it up! If I lived closer to Kevin and he were my chiropractor I know I would not have any back pain right now. I just took some Aleve (ca-ching) which is the official naproxen of Matt In The Middle (at least for the next four hours).
Is there milk in those torpedoes back there?
     As promised, I reviewed the movie Sugar Momma and I saw this weekend at MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS. I am not even gonna tell you what we're gonna have to go to MMR if you want to know. I will give you a hint though; it rhymes with The Mattfrutlent Splureau! Movies are not as much fun in the summer because A) it's better to be outside and B) it's harder to sneak in your snacks when you're wearing shorts and a coat looks suspicious when it's 80+ degrees outside. I's not a price issue, though everything is expensive, it's more of a health issue. What's healthy there? A pickle? Really, a pickle at the movies? If I wanted a pickle that would be easy to smuggle into the theater (another joke edited here)

Hey, I hear a bird chirping outside. That's a good sign of Spring approaching.Yeah Spring!

I am off...hopefully my back will stop hurting so I can work-out later. Maybe that's what's causing the pain? No pain, no gain, right? I prefer the lesser-known saying "no pain, no pain!"  Get over to the Matt In The Middle Facebook page and join the million (minus 999,981) other "likers."  TTTT ... MITM (Aleve-ing on a jet plane)

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