Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SMILE (that's it - just smile)

cue today's theme song
Howdy. Yesterday was the first full day of Spring and I think I must have pulled a Matt Van Winkle (an homage to Rip, not Rob) because today feels like the first full day of Autumn in the MIDDLEwest. Incidentally, I used to call it Fall but I am starting a movement to call it Autumn because that sounds more classy and romantic. You know me - all about class and romance.
The Late, Very Great, Phil Hartman

For those of you keeping score at home my protein level was 6.8 and they decided I was plasma-worthy today. Yeah Me! While I was going through deplasmafication I was listening to the podcast that probably had the greatest influence on me making the decision to start the Dirty Laundry podcast (lifting-off April 1st). I was listening to Comedy Death-Ray Radio. If you have an iPod I would suggest downloading some of these. Today I was listening to the most recent episode with Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee Herman) and Dave Foley (Kids In The Hall and Newsradio); I am a very big fan of both of these guys. The episode is about an hour-and-a-half long so I haven't listened to all of it yet but I heard all of the Reubens part and Foley just started. Judd Apatow and Reubens are working on a new Pee-wee Herman movie; guaranteed to be good. As I typed their names I thought of a common link between Foley and Reubens; they both worked closely with the late Phil Hartman. Reubens talked about Hartman (Captain Carl) a bit and I will be interested to hear if Scott Aukerman (Death-Ray host makes the connection. I think Aukerman is fantastic and even if he doesn't it will be great with Foley. Though I really do want you to hear this show I must confess that I may have a bit of an ulterior motive. I thought that if I could get you used to listening to podcasts you would come to Dirty Laundry a little more easier (did I mention that it begins April 1st?). I learned a lot from listening to Paul Reubens. I could do a whole blog about Paul Reubens right now but then you won't listen to Comedy Death-Ray Radio.
Maybe I'll Wear This To My Class Reunion This Year.

This isn't going to sound right but I think I have an obsessive personality. I's not like criminally insane or anything but I guess my mind is kind of like that of a child's. When I get something stuck in my head it gets wedged in there pretty good.  I am referring to the blog and the podcast. I wish I could get something wedged in there that was useful. How come I can't become obsessed with trying to cure cancer or diabetes or something like that? I suppose it makes sense to become obsessed with something that I went to school for and something that I am actually capable of doing and am passionate about. Maybe I was just put here to make people laugh? I am obsessed with seeing people happy I think. I guess there's plenty of things worse to be obsessed with. I know that sounds dark and depressing but, OMG do you know what?, it's the end of the month isn't it? I am getting that moody Pre-Mattsruation Syndrome feeling that I get at the end of every month. Okay...never mind this paragraph but I will leave it in because I like to keep it real - aight?

Well, I have a lot to do today so I had better wrap up. Yes, some of it is Dirty Laundry - related (both kinds) and some of it is not. Thing Spring everyone; it will be here soon. This is still better than shoveling five feet of snow!! Have a nice Tuesday and I will blog you again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (moping out) Let 'em have it Hal

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