Friday, March 25, 2011

Tuna Colada Perhaps?

Why don't you take a picture...?
Friday already? I bet you're stoked, huh? I keep fogretting to use "stoked." 

Late last night I got a chance to see the new The Pee Wee Herman Show on HBO. I guess HBO is not even called Home Box Office anymore. HBO doesn't stand for anything now; it's like history never happened. Kind of the same way that MTV doesn't stand or Music Television because they rarely play music now. Anyway, I was kind of disappointed in The Pee Wee Herman Show. I remember seeing the original one when HBO was Home Box Office and it is pretty much the same exact show. I liked it back in the 80's and would have liked it this time if it didn't seem like a re-run. If you haven't seen it you should watch it but if not only watch it if you're in the mood for a re-run. There are funny updates and I was really sleepy so I think I would like to give it another chance. The end had a whole social networking part that was funny - maybe I was too harsh on the re-run talk.
Only Great Tasting Charlies Are Blog-worthy!
Today my travelling companion is 14 years old he is the child of my first marriage; my other travelling companion is the wife of my first marriage. She's over 18 barely.

Very late night last night there was a biography/news thingy on the television (yeah I guess I didn't sleep much last night again) about Charlie Sheen. It was creepy to me. His house seems like a communal living home. It minded me a lot of the way Charlie Manson lived. Young (barely over 18) chicks around him and a total nutjob. I am not comparing the Charlies but there are several similarities. Sorry, Charlie!

I must have had a weird dream after watching Pee Wee (TWSS) that I don't remember. Now Andy Kaufman is running through my head for no apparent reason. I am sure the reason will present itself because you know what Blair Underwood has taught me; there's no such thing as coincidence. Maybe I heard the Mighty Mouse theme. I know; I heard REM's songs Man on the Moon and The Great Beyond. Touche' Mr. Underwood, touche'.

All right I've got so much time and so little to do so I had better let you get to the little you have to do too. I will blog you again tomorrow. The Dirty Laundry podcast is only six days away - talk about so little time and so much to do (strike that and reverse it twice). Thnaks for letting me ramble; I appreciate you and think about you every time I write this (sappy but true). TTTT...MITM (hot damn tamale baby).

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