Sunday, March 27, 2011

And "The Little Gay Guy" IS...

Home is where the blog is. Home is where this blog is coming from again today thank. We went to St. Louis and then we went down to Carbondale, IL then we drove down through Missouri and Arkansas to Memphis and then we cam home (we touched Kentucky and Mississippi while we were in the neighborhoods). We should have taken a paddle boat as many times and different places we crossed the Mississippi River.

Why is Missouri shaped the way it is? It looks kinda like a profile of a man staring off to the right with a little beard hanging down. Or, is it a dangling participle urinating on Arkansas? I am pretty sure that area was one of the places where we crossed over the Mississippi River once or twice so I am thinking that it had something to do with accessing the river and commerce and so of the beginnings to the greed in this county but that is just a guess. Okay..let's see what GOOGLE has to say about it. It seems that area is called the "bootheel". There are several stories listed as the reason so I am going to go with...someone down there heard that Arkansas was sickly area so wanted the area he lived in as Missouri rather than Arkansas. That doesn't move where you live air it just changes what you're called. Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can add a boot heel to Missouri.
A founding member of my Vampire Club
Yesterday I blogged quickly so I could get busy to livin' or get busy to dyin' and my buddy Jimbo commented that I never mentioned who "the little gay guy" was from yesterday's blog. Jim was right, the man in the Graceland line was referring to Wladziu Valentino "Lee" Liberace. Sugar Momma and I started talking about this on our drive back to the Land of Lincoln (which the state of Missouri looks like). Liberace was a known homosexual so is it, in fact, politically incorrect to call him "the little gay guy?" He never publicly admitted he was gay though. Maybe I am just becoming overly politically sensitive. Either way it's funny to hear come out of an old man (it's P.C. because he was older than the bootheel of Missouri) with a southern accent. Liberace was from Wisconsin - another MIDDLER. I should do a picture book or pop-up book of all of the famous people from the MIDDLEwest. Maybe a Famous MIDDLERS Tour (that old guy at Graceland would pay to see it). OMG...Liberace had a twin who died at birth. Elvis Presley had a twin brother that died at birth too. Do all people who have twins die at birth go into music and dress in sequins? That old guy should have asked, "who was that other guy's house we visited who was six feet tall, was a musical performer, dressed in sequins and had a twin that died at birth?" Maybe they visit homes of celebs who had twins die? That would be a weird hobby wouldn't it? I think I will start a club (an off-shoot of my tour). I am still tired because the space where my mind should be is still wandering. Anyway, I wasn't thinking this guy was a homophobe; I was more concerned that he was a heightist. Liberace was about 6' tall and I am only 5'9" - I take great offense to Liberace being called "little." Back to my original point - is in politically incorrect to call someone gay if they were openly gay? That is the question. I guess not - people should be (or not to be) and be called what they want to be and be called.

Trips always bring funny stories for me because I think I look for humor in everything. You don't have to look very hard usually. I think there may have been a Square Pegs tribute band staying at our hotel. Sugar Momma and I were down eating our hotel breakfast yesterday morning and a couple of young girls came in looking like Patti Greene (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Lauren Hutchinson (Amy Linker) from the early 80's television show Square Pegs. The Patti Greene-looking girl turned to the Lauren-looking girl and said, "ha ha you just conjugated a verb incorrectly." LOL - and Matthew Broderick Helser was there to witness it and write it down. (disclaimer - although my name is Matthew B. Helser my MIDDLE name is not Broderick though it should be. My MIDDLE name is Bueller - no, it's not Bueller - that's a lie too but it does start with a B)

I have so much more to blog you about but it will have to wait until tomorrow. It's always better to blog you from home rather than from a hotel room. It's a rough life being a blogger on the road but it usually brings good stories. I have plenty more in my book so come on back tomorrow now, ya hear? TTTT...MITM (off to work on Dirty Laundry - both kinds) This has been a Filmways Blogsentation Dahling!


  1. Eric Solfisburg - Musical Director- HappyphobeMarch 27, 2011 at 12:44 PM

    That blog was so Gay ! (Happy = Gay)
