Friday, February 18, 2011

Soon to be 2 Degrees from Kevin Bacon?

Who was that MATTsed man?
Work today didn't last as long as I had expected. Apparently Wiz is more popular with the young whipper-snappers because none of the MIDDLEfarts showed up to buy tickets today. Last night I stopped back into work and saw the Lipizzaner Stallions getting washed for their big show last night. You know, without the fancy hats and tutus or whatever they wear they look pretty much like white horses. Someone told me that you aren't supposed to look them in the eyes or walk behind them. I have seen enough cowboy movies to know you never walk behind a horse...I got horse sense (that's bad though right?). Anyway, I looked one of them in the eyes but he looked at me first. And, that was before I heard that I wasn't suppose to look them in the eyes. If he had a bad performance last night he was probably spooked by my beauty and ability to walk on two feet. Isn't it polite to look people in the eyes? Why do we want to keep horses down? What are we afraid of? Get your hooves off of me you damn filthy equine!
Take that Kevin Bacon!
     After yesterday's blog my friend for over 35 years, Pam, told me that she is friends with Andy Richter's sister. All of a sudden I am three degrees from Andy Richter (or maybe he is three degrees from Matt In The Middle). I am probably closer to him than Kevin Bacon is! If not, it's pretty close. Talk shows don't count! If I go to see Dan Aykroyd April 1st I will be two degrees from Kevin Bacon (you can figure it out). I will be closer to a BLT than a Seismograph (what a lame joke). Even if I can't get Andy Richter as a podcast guest maybe I can get Pam and Andy Richter's sister anyway? That might be what I should do...get celebrities' relatives and friends to tell me stories about their siblings, friends... so the celebs get angry enough to come on Dirty Laundry to yell at me and Sugar Momma collaterally. A good law suit always provides a lot of free press. No press is bad press!
     Last night Sugar Momma and I got to tour our new 410,000 square foot high school that will open in September. Fabio will be in the first class to go all the way through the school. I am going to post some photos on my Facebook page later if you are one of the interested people with kids going there next year. It may take a while because I took over 100 photos. The school is amazing. It is styled in the Frank Lloyd Wright vein right down to the fireplace in the cafeteria dining area. I am not kidding, our new high school has a fireplace in the cafeteria.

Thank you to Stacee for just sending me a lead on finding Popchips. If I can't find them at Jewel I will contact Jillian Michaels because Stacee said Ms. Michaels is obsessed with them. Get ready to be Matt In The Middled Jillian! Hey Jillian, Girl Scout Cookies have an APP for locating the cookies now. Download the APP and leave some POPchips for the rest of us.

Why do we fold towels after we wash them? I guess they stack better but do we really care if our towels are wrinkled? Come to blog of it can towels actually be unwrinkled? Is it just to distinguish the clean ones from the dirty ones? Are towels really dirty if we use them while we're clean?

I'm off to work-out; the stalling is over. I must say I don't care for working out that much but I love the way I feel when I push through it and am done. The rewards far outweigh the hatred. Tomorrow I am doing the usual weekend basketball tournament thing though this weekend's games are very close for a change. Then, tomorrow night, we are playing euchre with a bunch of friends that we used to do this regularly with. I am a kick-ass euchre player; it's not bragging if it's true right?  I will try to fit the blog in there somewhere for those of you weekend blog readers. Thanks for coming (too easy). TTTT... MITM (trumped out).
cue the music

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