Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My 2011 Jeopardy Tour Continues!!!

I'll take stupidity for $1000
Happy Hump Day! Believe it or not, I have news back from Jeopardy already. I went to take my test last night and found out that it's tonight (Wednesday) - not last night (Tuesday). Should someone be a Jeopardy contestant if they can't even get the day that they are supposed to take to test correct? Another name for Matt Helser. What is a dumb-azz? (I used "z's" so I wouldn't offend anyone). So, tonight at 8:00PM MIDDLE time I will see if I got it right this time. Wish me luck again if you have more to spare; sorry to waste the luck you sent me yesterday.

Nice Necklace!
Speaking of Jeopardy (man can I do segues - not the riding ones)... Is Lindsay Lohan trying to make her E! True Story a mini-series? Is E-True Story even a show anymore? Ms. Lohan has been charged with felony grand theft of a bracelet worth about $2,500 from a story in Venice, California. The Betty Ford rehab treatment center is also considering pressing charges on her for battery when she assaulted a clinic worker in December. I think Dr. Drew, Dr. Phil, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Doolittle, Rug Doctor, Doctor Scholls and Doctor Jekyll should all get together and figure this poor girl out. I volunteer my services too; "I am not a doctor but I play one on my blog."

I need to make a new play-list for Roz. Any suggestions? The Matt In The Middle Facebook page is up to nine! Another "One A Day" keeps my whining away. Welcome Debbie (and Greg yesterday).

Ringo/Rango -  220/221
Why do they have celebrities do voices in cartoons? There is a new cartoon coming out called Rango where Johnny Depp does the voice of a lizard or a gecko or something green dressed like a cowboy or something (is it about Johnny Ringo?). Are you more likely to go see this movie because Johnny Depp is a voice in it? Is this the way that Hollywood can justify charging so much for movies and DVDs...? If I am watching a movie and I hear a voice that I know that I should know I am distracted until I have figured out whose voice it is? I am REALLY good at voices but sometimes it takes me a few minutes and then I have missed half of the story because of the distraction. I think Johnny Depp is great but not good enough for me to go see a movie I have no intention of seeing just because his voice is in it. Wouldn't the movie make more money if they had you or I do the voices? I am pretty certain that they could get all 50 or so of you reading this and I together (excluding Matt Damon, of course) for the price that they are paying Johnny Jumpstreet (patent/trademark/copyright). I'll let you know if they contact me so we can all have a big-wig meeting

Have a nice chilly Hump night in the MIDDLEwest (TWSS). Between now and the next time we "speak" I plan to qualify for Jeopardy and hydrate 'just enough.' Blog to you tomorrow....MITM (Audi 5000).

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