Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's Thirsty...Unless You're Irish!

Howdy Howdy Howdy!

I was told there wouldn't be spelling!
The Jeopardy test was last night. As you know I won't know anything until they let me know that they want me to take the next step; I am pretty sure that's not gonna happen. They seemed to know that I have problems hitting the knuckler; who doesn't? They also had a curve ball that fell off the table and exploded like a ball of ice cream on a 100-degree day when it crossed the plate. I am fairly certain that I will not make it through to the next round based on last night's performance. Maybe next time I'll get some questions that are more in my wheel-house? Next time I will conjure up the ghost of Art Fleming to help me. See, I know junk like that right off the blog of my head...why didn't they ask me about Art Fleming? Entertainment is easily my strong-suit.
It would certainly make this blog more palatable
I heard that Old Navy has stopped selling some shirts because people were complaining that they were derogatory toward a certain ethnic group. Before I tell you which ethnic group they "offended" let me tell you that a large portion of my Matt/Mutt make-up is this ethnic group and I am not the least bit offended. I am so tired of people being offended by everything and this is one I can finally weigh-in on with genetic and psychological evidence that it does not bother ALL of the people that it supposedly "targets." The shirts Old Navy is taking off the shelves say "Irish I was Drunk" and "Party Like You're Irish!" The second one has a drawing of Snoopy (Who is Charlie Brown's Beagle, Alex?) drinking a beer. My mom's maiden name is McGuire and her grandmother's maiden name was O'Reilly - I got a wee bit of Irish in me (TWSS)! Sometimes Irish I was drunk and sometimes I am. Everybody should party like they're Irish sometimes. I am more offended as a dog-owner that there is a picture of a dog drinking a beer. I am kind of offended that the shirts are stupid but don't care that they poke fun of my Irish heritage as long as they leave potatoes and cabbage and car-bombs out of it. Then we'll have a donnybrook on our hands. Soon you will probably see these shirts at T.J. Maxx and Steve & Barry's (are they still in business?)! I bet the Irish navy is an old navy!
Not quite yet! I need a co-host and celebrities!
     Geez, I have so much more to blog and I am runnin' Irish at the blog again (I can say that because I'm Irish). I just love bloggin'!

I downloaded two new podcasts to Roz last night for my plasma listening pleasure today. I downloaded Comedy Death-Ray Radio and I Should Be Writing. I listened to a bit of each this morning and I like them both a great deal. Also, I only drank 40 ounces of water this morning and drained a bit before I left Mattgarita Island and a bit when I go there and it was a much more enjoyable experience this Irish-eyes were smiling instead of floating. These podcasts make me want to do a podcast but I really have nothing worth podcasting. Maybe I should podcast about not having anything to podcast. Maybe I should ask Dan Aykroyd and Burt Reynolds (go to MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS to vote now) to be guests.

I need to gain one more Matt In The Middle Facebook fan today to keep the "One-A-Day Plus Iron"streak going. You could be the one to join such luminaries today as: Engineer Dave, Oregon Maria, South Carolina Debbie, The Martin brothers Gary and Greg ("no, we are not relation sir"), Ice Cream Greg (my movie-critic evil twin) and, of course, MADYM and Nature Girl. Hey, where's Sugar Momma in that list? She does treasure her anonymity!

I already have my exit music ready for the podcast that doesn't exist. Now I need a catch-phrase...hmmm. TTTT (when I blog about my V.D. dilemma)...MITM  cue the closing theme music


  1. Thank you for another giggle! Matt, I truly look forward to your blog every night!

  2. Thank you D! At least there is one ;)
