Sunday, October 3, 2010

What is it with Me and Hannibal, Missouri?

cue today's music courtesy of Stacee (one of the MITM Music Directors) - Thanks Stacee...I LOVE THIS!!!

As you know, for some reason lately I have been intrigued by ghosts and cemeteries and the paranormal. I don’t know why but maybe it’s because I am closer to being there and I want to make sure I have everything I need for the trip. Do I need my own sheet with eye holes cut out? My own chains for rattling? Ecto-plasm? Maybe I just like the history of cemeteries. Sparky and I spent a good deal of time Saturday trying to find the Old Baptist Cemetery in Hannibal, Missouri. I finally broke down and spent $5 buying a map of Hannibal. Sparky didn’t want me to get the map; he wanted to find it by trial and error. I knew the streets it was on but had heard that it was well-off the beaten path. It was but, as it turned out, if we would have gone up the hill about three blocks away from where I bought the map we would have found it.

Old Baptist Cemetery was really cool. The main reason I wanted to go there was because I had heard that there was a headstone for a slave. Headstones for slaves are very rare as slave-owners felt that their slaves were property and not people. We found the grave of Agnes Flautleroy (photos on previous blog and my Facebook) who was the slave of Sophia Hawkins. Sophia Hawkins was the mother of Laura Hawkins who was widely known to have been the inspiration for Mark Twain’s Becky Thatcher in "Tom Sawyer." Agnes is one of the few slaves that will be remembered by name. Other headstones near Agnes’ are two tombstones of Union soldiers who fought for The Union Army with the Massachusetts Fifty-fifth regiment. The Massachusetts Fifty-forth was featured in the Denzel Washington/Matthew Broderick film “Glory.” The 54th and 55th were identical African-American regiments that helped the North win the Civil War. Hannibal was a turbulent town during the Civil War as, being right on the dividing line of the Union and the Confederacy, the town was at odds just as the nation itself. Talk about having problems with your neighbors.

Another thing I found while we were in the cemetery was that it was the cemetery where Injun’ Joe killed Doc Robinson and framed Muff Potter. I didn’t know why I was drawn to this cemetery but I was glad that I was. Supposedly it is haunted, what a shock. There is a tree there that people see orbs around all the time. I didn’t hear about that until after I had left there or I would have taken photos of the tree to see if orbs showed up in the photos. I am one of those people who have to see something to believe it. I would love to see a ghost or a flying saucer...but until I do I am on the white-washed fence. I am open-minded enough to believe there is a possibility for all things I have not seen and...”I am ready to believe you” but I gotta see it to believe it.

This weekend was a free weekend of Starz and Encore on DirecTv or maybe everywhere. I check the premium channels every Friday to see if they have free weekends and when they do I scroll through the whole weekend and set up the DVR to record shows that I want to see so I can watch them later. While we were in Macomb and Hannibal our television was recording Zombieland and Pineapple Express for us. Zombieland, you know based on my fascination with death..., was right up my alley. I love Woody Harrelson and another big star in the movie with the initials (BM). I don’t want to say who it is in case you haven’t seen it. It’s not Bob Marley, though I like him too, but this star is still alive (or maybe a Zombie?). There are a couple of clues hidden within the blog if you want to solve the mystery of BM.

I promised a photo of the giant cucumber, gourd monster at Nature Girl’s house so here it is. I have some other photos of Mr. Nature Girl (Dave) and I doing naughty suggestive things with the gourds but I will leave those to your imagination though I will probably add them to my Facebook page eventually so you can think less of me (or more of me if you’re in the adult entertainment industry). I obviously don't know how to handle something this large because I accidentally broke one of them off. Fortunately they have several about the same size and girth so they didn't mind but I felt bad.

This second blog of the day is getting huge too (TWSS) and I haven't even blogged about Mark Twain Cave yet. There is a great bit of haunted information about that too that I want to tell you but it's more than you probably care to read now so I will blog more about Hannibal again tomorrow. We actually had three separate encounters with creatures associated with hauntings while we were in the cave (not hard to guess) and a great story about documented Mark Twain Cave creepiness. Have a good Monday. I'll blog you again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM!

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