Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pneumonia in the MIDDLE (again)

cue the special musical tribute. You MIDDLERS will appreciate it. It will remind you of Tuesdays in Milwaukee (not That 70's Show). One of my favorite bits of television trivia has always been that Happy Days was a spin-off of Love American Style. Maybe Trivial Pursuit should be a seance back-up plan?

I am doing Wednesday's blog early because I'm a sleepy boy. I haven't caught up from the weekend driving and Saturday night in the hotel I was in a bed with Sparky (who wants to be called Fabio now) and Sugar Momma was next to me in the other bed with Splenda (we had the aisle seats). Between Sugar Momma coughing all night and Fabio thinking he was Sonny Liston punching and kicking me all night I didn't get much sleep. Now I am in a weird pattern and didn't go to bed until 1:00 AM and got up at 5:00. So, long whining short...I'm tired.

As for Sugar Momma's coughing she left work early Tuesday and went to Urgent Care to find out what was wrong. Turns out she has pneumonia....again. I'm sure my pea-brain will start trying to fake me into thinking I'm sick now too. The doctors can say what they want but I know there are allergies that are contributing to this. QUACKS! And, as long as we're in the medical section of today's blog I went to donate plasma today. They turned me into a Matt Cushion. First I got there and my blood pressure was high again so I had to sit for ten minutes and have my BP retaken. I have this mental trick that I use to relax and it ALWAYS lowers my blood pressure when needed (are you on the edge of your seat?). I mentally picture myself lying under a huge Weeping Willow tree on top of a green grass-covered hill. I am surrounded by a dozen or so sheep that are just calmly eating the grass while the gentle summer breeze rustles the grass and my hair. I always have a long piece of grass in my teeth and a hat slightly shading my eyes. I am gayer for blogging that (so I got that goin' for me, which is nice)...that parade cannot arrive soon enough. So, the second reading of my pressure was good and the blood-letting began. She stuck my right arm and missed the vein so she dug and she dug and then decided to try to go for my left arm. She wrapped the right and moved to the left. She poked and missed again then she called another phlebotomist over who was able to get my blood/plasma flowing. I walked out with both elbows wrapped..a mummy just in time for Halloween. I am going to have to start rethinking saving lives.

After I did finally got to sleep last night I woke up kind of panicky worried that I walked out of Denny's without paying. I haven't been in a Denny's for probably 30 years so I don't know where that came from but it means I must have actually had a dream last night...woo hoo. How did Denny's purchase commercial time in my dreams and how do I get a dream DVR?

Should the Green Party and the Tea Party join forces and become the Green Tea Party? I think I might actually vote for some of those Green Party people come election day. It depends how plasma time works out that day. I always vote so I can complain. I figure if you don't vote you don't have any right to complain. The main things I have learned from this election and the political advertisements are: no politician pays his/her taxes, they are all liars and they are all terrible people we cannot trust. No wonder we are in a such a pickle. At least if the Green Party were involved it would make sense to be in a pickle. For someone who says he isn't very political I sure talk about politics a lot.

Start focusing on Wednesday. What are you gonna do to make sure you have a great day besides reading this blog again? Make it a fantasmic day. I'll blog you later with more sleep so I can blog my brains out. TTTT...MITM.

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