Thursday, October 21, 2010

Deliverin' the Benjamins

cue the original theme music

There are a handful of people throughout history that immediately come to my mind as mesmerizing to me. I am amazed by: Harry Houdini, Amelia Earhart, Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Howard Hughes, Harry Truman, Abe Lincoln, all of the founding fathers but especially Ben Franklin. There are many, many more but these immediately come to mind. I have been thinking about Ben today for some reason. It's weird how people, places and things (nouns I guess) pop into our heads for no apparent reason. It won't surprise you to know that I have been to Franklin's grave three times. I threw pennies on his grave as that is supposed to be "good luck." I never thought about it until typing that that "a penny saved is a penny earned" was not at work when throwing pennies. Franklin is playing cosmic jokes on us by earning our pennies...Oh Ben. There are common threads in my mind why I like the people I like but Franklin embodies a little of everything I like. He was a journalist/printer, he cared about the people he knew and the ones he didn't, he was a brilliant mind, he was a smart-alek, he loved the ladies and he wasn't greedy. Once he made enough money to be comfortable he retired at the age of 42 and then invented: the lightning rod, the Franklin Stove, the odometer, America... He never filed a patent for any of inventions. He wanted everyone to be able to have them and he never "earned" a penny on any of them. without the lightning rod we would not have had the great cities we have now. That's all I've got to say about that.

I just thought that the seance occurs right around my Mattstruation time. I hope that doesn't complicate things. You know that I believe men have cycles similar to women without the obvious main unpleasantness. Well, to further support my theory, besides the fact that I'm crabby as Helser around the end of every month, our bodies are up to 60% water right? Bodies of water ebb and flow so wouldn't our bodies have tides too? YES...and they to!

I think bathroom doors in restaurants should swing the other way. I have thought this for a long time but am just now getting around to blogging about it. I hate washing my hands, which I always do, and then having to grab the same handle of the guy who just grabbed his junk and didn't wash his hands. Or, even worse, behind the closed door. If I could just push the door from the inside with my leg or hip I'd feel better about going back and eating. It's weird how I have become so much more aware of germs and such as I have gotten older.

I know I said I would try to ignore the goings-on of the missing girl here in DeKalb but Channel 5 News was out here again and I guess divers were checking the Kishwaukee River. Supposedly they found the girls dorm key in the woods but then her father said she had lost that awhile ago. Seems ironic that they found it where she supposedly went missing. I still hope they find her alive but my investigation would have a very specific focus right now Doctor Watson! I would tell you that I won't blog about it tomorrow my I am obsessed with protecting my family (how odd huh?) and I don't like my town being surrounded by "police line do not cross" all the time.

My son, Fabio, and I played basketball in the driveway just before dark Thursday night. I have about 2" inches on his 114 lbs frame along with about 75 lbs. We played one-on-one to five by ones. For the first time today he beat me (other than all the times I let him win). He didn't just beat me...he destroyed me 5-1. I am happy. One thing he has been lacking on the court is aggression. I asked if he's been practicing that way with the team and he said "I did today." He's a very mild-mannered but I tell him on the sports courts, fields... it's okay to be aggressive. Maybe he's finally getting it. I hope he kicks my butt every time we play. My Great Mattini training is finally paying off sugar Momma!

Too long again (TWSS). This is the cross I must bear. If you're looking for a Thursday plasma story here it is - I decided not to go so I called and canceled for today; I was having sympathy pneumonia pains. Enjoy your Benjamins. If it's not payday for you this Friday go to the store and buy one...every Friday should be payday. I will continue to monitor the crime scene out here for you and I will get some more of these notes out of my book tomorrow. 'Til then - TTTT...MITM! (P.S. I know I haven't told you this in awhile but I APPRECIATE YOU STOPPING BY TO READ THIS!)

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