Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This Blog is Gay!

cue today's music

I found out too late that Monday was National Coming Out Day. I know this is National Coming Out week but if I can't do it on the "day" what's the point? I guess I'll have to wait another year. The whole National Coming Out Day got me to thinking (thanks Judi). Columbus Day has parades and Gay Pride has parades so why don't the Gay Pride Parades coincide with National Coming Out Day? I don't know who to contact at the clubhouse (hey, that's a good gay bar name) but I would say move National Coming Out Day to the first Saturday in June worldwide and do the parades then all at the same time. Right now some of the 2011 Gay Pride Parades are: June 25th in San Francisco, June 12 in Philadelphia, June 26th in San Paolo, June 4th in Honolulu, April 16th in Miami, Chicago's just says June 2011... Come on people let's get it together. The parades could all be the same day in every Gayborhood and maybe be televised like The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Imagine the coverage and then people could "come out" on that day and what a way to celebrate...a parade. Maybe the parades are on different days to give people a reason to travel. I am not homosexual (that I know of) but I do believe in everybody's right to choose as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. I don't need to go there girlfriend because I've blogged about that before but I am passionate about America being about freedom. Isn't that why we're all here...literally? I do intend to go to the Gay Pride Parade in Chicago in 2011 if my schedule permits; I know what you're thinking but I already have a date though we could double. Bozo was in the parade last year. Surprised? I would have thought Wizzo and his Stone of Zanzibar and "doody doody doody doos" but I'm not completely surprised by Boz either.

Okay, I guess I am a social liberal (not that there's anything wrong with that). I am not very political but I am a liberal hippie when it comes to people's rights. If you think being a liberal is a bad thing let me know and I will provide a list of things liberals have spearheaded to make this country a better place. I seriously do have a list of this if you want it.

Wow, I guess I kinda got on a soapbox there. What soap would it be? Cheer? All? Arm & Hammer? Omo? Whichever...I'll get off the box now.

Today would have been a good day for me to come out.
I made school lunch, did four loads of laundry and watched the chick-flick "The Proposal" and got teary-eyed while I folded clothes, made dinner (salmon and potatoes), took Sparky for his basketball haircut (that's a haircut for basketball not a basketball-looking haircut) and read People magazine while I waited, went grocery shopping three times... things that have historically been "women's work." I don't mind being the chick but I'm not shaving my legs. Women have always been the unsung heroes of our society.

The People magazine I was reading had an article about Elin Nordegren. It was her first interview since her divorce from Tiger Woods. She's an amazing woman. I don't know how she can have such a good outlook after the way she was publicly humiliated by someone she loved. She had no idea he was "out" with other women while she was home pregnant and with the kids. It just reinforced the old saying that "no matter how beautiful a person if (inside and/or out) there is someone tired of (being) with them." Sandra Bullock (The Proposal) and Elin Nordegren are prime examples. I feel the exact same as Elin, "I always believe the best of people and when you do that you're going to be really screwed sometimes. My fear when this first happened was that I wouldn't be that way anymore...but I haven't lost that." Good for you Elin. Don't let that schmuck change who you are (other than the size of your wallet).

This blog sure turned out to be a liberal piece of propaganda didn't it? I just start blogging and stop when I smell smoke. I can barely see the keys through the steam I have generated with my flying fingers. If enough of you are interested maybe we could try to get a Matt In The Middle float in the 2011 Gay Pride Parade. Remember this time of the year in high school when we'd go to some barn and turn a hay wagon into a float for the homecoming parade? Well, I went once because I was in Student Council but I left VERY early. Have a nice HUMPday (fitting huh?) I'll blog you again later lunar crater. TTTT...MITM!


  1. Thanks for the props on the column to the right! : )

  2. All true and heartfelt. Thanks for propping the pros because it caused me to re-read it and correct a typo :))) (that's my double chin under my smile)

  3. "props" not "pros"....I should quit being in such a hurry and reread my stuff before posting
