Saturday, October 16, 2010

Short and Sweet (TWSS)

This will be a short one (TWSS) because I have a long way to go and a short time to get there...

MIDDLE of the night television is funny. ESPN Classic had on Celebrity Bowling The fist one had teams of Dick Martin (Laugh In) and Billy Barty vs. John Schuck and Michael Ansara. The second one checkered slacks... It made me miss all of the cool celebrity shows we had "back in the day." Battle of the Network Stars and the like. Those were simpler times.

$3.5 Billion spent of campaign ads already this election. The big ones are still yet to come as the election gets closer no doubt. Firstly, the ads are all attack-ads so probably. hopefully, are useless. Isn't it irresponsible to spend this kind of money when our economy is in the state it's in. If I were a candidate I would tale my $1,000,000 or whatever my campaign fund was, I would do one ad saying "rather than trying to buy you vote I am donating 'X' amounnt to my state's deficit... and you make the chose of who is responsible and who cares about you and your concers." I don't want to vote for someone who throws their money at an election. You know darned well that they will make that money back while in office legally or illegally.

Short and sweet just like I promised; I can keep my campaign promises. Blog you later. enjoy another nice fall day. TTTT...MITM

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