Monday, October 25, 2010

So Help You Blog!

I'm tired of blogging about the top story in my town so I am not going to today.

Sugar Momma was starting to feel better but now she's worse than she was before she went to the doctor last week. I don't believe she has pneumonia. It's allergies I tell you allergies. She has an appointment with some kind of a specialist next week. So, while she has been confined to bed, with her computer of course because she always works not matter what, she had all of these crime shows on. She loves all of the forensic-type shows. I caught some of one of the shows and something crossed my mind. Why, when murderers and big time thieves are on trial, do they have to swear to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" If these people think so little of the Ten Commandments that they break the "thou shalt not steal" or the "thou shalt not kill" Commandments what makes them think that they would tell the truth on the "so help you God" part? Seems silly to me to think crooks and killers would decide to be honest all of a sudden.

Tuesday until Wednesday or so we are supposed to have winds the likes of the Edmund Fitzgerald days in the MIDDLEwest. I laid the basketball hoop down which was my attempt at battening down the hatches. They are saying winds up to 80 MPH for 30+ hours in a row. I worked out extra hard Monday night so that if I have to be anchorman in holding something down against the wind I will be up to the task. I really hate getting up the gumption to workout sometimes but I feel SO good when I have done it anyway and I am done. Must be those endorphins they talk about huh?

I went into work at my part-time job Monday to do one small task and I ended up learning three more things and working six hours. Then I was also asked if I wanted to work Tuesday for a top-secret job (seriously this time) so I get to work again for three to four hours Tuesday. I would be able to work longer but Fabio's first basketball game is Tuesday afternoon. (In case you have missed it...Sparky wants to be called Fabio now).

I don't remember if I told you but I don't think I did. This past weekend I woke up at like 3:00 AM (shocking, I know) and remembered a dream. The dream was actually about the latest book that I am writing that I will never finish. I grabbed my pad of paper that I always keep at the side of my bed and wrote down the dream. By the time I was done I had written five pages. Then I thought to myself, "self, go back to sleep and dream more about the story." And do you know what? I did. I woke up again about an hour later and wrote another four pages. If I could actually learn to sleep properly I could write the next War And Peace.'s crunch-time for the seance. I am very excited. I have a lot to do to get ready like learn how to be a medium and conduct a seance but life is full of challenges. By this time next year Miracle Matt's Seances will be a multi-million dollar industry. The first franchised paranormal firm. I plan on having the seance video-taped and put on YouTube; details to follow. The famous YouTube videographer Fabio has agreed to do the shoot.

Okey dokey enough blogging for today. I will let you know how bad Huntley Middle School beats Sycamore Junior High in tomorrow's blog. Be safe in the winds Tuesday or maybe "they" will be wrong and they will only be 50 MPH winds. Blog to you again tomorrow. TTTT....your best blog buddy MITM!

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