Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Miracle Matt vs. The Medium (you make the call)

cue the theme music

I have made contact with the other side. A Medium that I emailed called me back and left me a voice mail message. She is from Cherry Valley, IL which is close. It would be really weird if she lives in Seawitch because that's the street sign I took pictures of on the way to Blood's Point Cemetery a while ago. Anyway, she said she does red light seances with messages and also does trans-configurations where many faces can appear and love-ones faces can appear. It sounds like her face changes to look like the people she is channeling. I was already to do the seance myself but I think this sounds fantastic. I am going to call her back but wanted to know your opinion. People seem to want to see me do the seance to make a fool of myself but I can do that in addition to this lady doing the seance. It's like a double-feature.

I noticed that there are a lot of birthdays this past couple of weeks. Supposedly this is the time of year when there are the most birthdays. Go ahead...do the math. Nine months ago was New Years Eve. I have long known that both of my kids' birthdays are about nine months after Sugar Momma and My wedding anniversary date (several years later though). We were married on April 30th and Splenda was born on February 5th (because she was late) and Sparky was born on January 22nd (because he was early). when April 30th comes around don't come a knockin'.

Are you familiar with Marcel The Shell? I wasn't until my daughter talked about watching it in one of her art classes so I searched it and I love Marcel The Shell. Click this link and experience Marcel The Shell right now. You will be happy you did. If you don't like Marcel The Shell I will gladly return every cent you paid to read this blog Tuesday (not to exceed $0) if you watch this clip today.

I think there should be a better name for the room we go to get rid of our waste. We aren't resting (restroom), we aren't mainly washing (washroom), we aren't taking a bath (bathroom). Men's Room and Ladies' Room work okay I guess but it should be more descriptive of what the room is used for like: dining room, living room, laundry room, bedroom, family room... Maybe toilet room or #1 and #2 room...poop room? Let's try to be a little more thoughtful for visitors to this great land.

How do you search for that new William Shatner television show on TiVo?

I know I told you that I was done discussing Hannibal but now that I am actually reading the notebook I saw that I wrote in the cave about a cat meowing ahead of us in the dark in the cave. We never saw the cat and I would have thought that I was hearing things (well, I was hearing things but you know what I mean) if it hadn't been for the fact that out tour guide stopped and turned around to look into the darkness behind him when the meowing happened. It only happened once and we never saw a cat. Maybe it was the ghost of Dr. McDowell's daughter... that's what I am going to assume and tell people from now on. Since no one ever mentioned it in the cave that day I just asked Sparky if he heard it and he said that he did. Thank goodness.

If I want to email you and copy someone else why do I "cc" it? More that half the people who send emails don't even know what carbon paper is and those of us that do only used it a couple of times before the copiers were widely-used. Maybe we should "a.s" (also sent) things.

Again, I have a lot more to blog about but I'm running long (you know). I hope to catch up with the stiff in my notebooks before the seance because that will probably be another two or three blogs when that's done. I will try to shut my pea-brain down and not write anything in the books until I catch up (or do you prefer catsup?). Let me know your advise on The Medium vs. Miracle Matt decision. The Thrilla In Manilla and The Rumble In The Jungle have nothing on this battle. Weigh in and let me know what you think. Until tomorrow...have a super unemployment call-in day. I will blog you again later. TTTT....MITM....out! I lied I just thought of something funny and wrote it in my notebook; I'm an addict....I will never be caught up. ARRRRGGGHHHHH!

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