Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two Days 'Til Immortality!

I am downtown at The House Cafe eating a salsa-avocado wrap and blogging. When my food arrives I will probably take a blogging break and read my
seance notes. I sure hope I contact Ehrich Weiss (Harry Houdini). If we contact him and we gain proof via video can you imagine the world-wide attention all in attendance will gain? People have been trying to contact Harry Houdini since his death every Halloween. We will do our seance a day before the one the professional magicians do every year (Penn and Teller...). Supposedly he has left a secret word to prove it is him if there is a way for him to cross over. All who enter prepare to become talk-show famous. The Houdini Seance they did in Halloween was the most eventful to date. The electricity went out right as they were beginning the seance and it was determined by the fire department that it wasn't staged. Maybe Houdini is ready to cross over. Maybe there is a waiting period before spirits can come back and his waiting period up.

I got a small cut on my finger the other day and I thought about when I was a kid and would get a cut and my dad would always say, "get the Mercurochrome." What the heck is/was Mercurochrome and what did it do? Why don't we have it anymore? Do we still have it and it is known by a different name? Anyway, I need some Mercurochrome or just a band-aid I guess.

I have a lot of work to do at the house before Saturday night. I also get to work tomorrow and I am giving plasma again tomorrow. For a guy with no prospects and a bleak future I sure am busy. Sugar Momma went back to work yesterday. She feels a little better but she still isn't well. She is going to Macomb again this weekend for her Masters' class. Hopefully she will be home in time for the seance or I will just conjure stag. I may go with her next time and go to Hannibal again; that town calls me like a beacon for some reason. I am going to go back to that cemetery and check out the haunted tree now that I know there is supposed to be a specter there. I'll find it too if it isn't for those meddling kids and their dog.

Fabio has another basketball game again today (or probably two since he is Superman on both the "A" and "B" teams). I have always enjoyed going to all of the kids' games. I am not a maniac fan I just go and watch and clap and yell an occasional "good play" or "good job" or something along those lines. I usually have Roz piping music through the headphones so I don't have to listen to the over-zealous fans from both sides.

Okay, I have to go work on the seance room for a bit before it's tip-off time. enjoy the less-windy MIDDLE. I'm glad it died down because the garbage goes to the curb tonight. Blog you tomorrow when Fabio will be 4-0 hopefully. TTTT....MITM!

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