Monday, September 27, 2010

Waiting For Superman

cue the music Roz

My daughter sent me a Facebook message saying that she renamed her i-pod. She renamed it "The Titanic" so when she plugs it in the computer reads "The Titanic is syncing." She definitely is my daughter...sorry for the bad humor gene Sweety maybe there's an operation that can give you a sense of humor transplant or at least a new App.

I went to the store today. before going I always write a list and ask everyone in the hizzie if they need something. I had the list and got to the store and left it in the car. I do a list so I don't forget stuff so maybe I should write "take the list into the store with you" on the list. I went by memory and when I got back to the car I found that I gotten everything that was on the list. I was so proud that I could remember things like a big boy. A YOUNG big boy with a non-MIDDLE memory.

I heard on the news that there was some girls in Chicago planning an acid attack on someone. What's the deal with people throwing acid all over other people lately? I remember hearing about people doing acid in high school but apparently this isn't the same thing. I remember as a real young kid climbing on the furniture and making sure not to touch the floor because it was acid or lava. I guess it was just as bad as I had imagined as I jumped from the couch to the foot stool. Sometime I'd hear people call a foot stool a hassock or a ottoman. Hey isn't that the bus driver on The Simpsons? Otto Man? It would be funny if his last name were Hassock. I have always called it a foot stool. Foot stool seems to be pretty idiot-proof. It spells it right out for you. Maybe footrest would be better; I think I have heard that one too and that is even better than foot stool. Anyway...don't throw acid or lava on people please. I decided not to add a photo here because acid attacks are awful and you can just imagine the worst.

Monday was kind of a lazy day. I sorta felt like I was coming down with something but I think I may have been sleep-deprived from the weekend. I should be all recharged by Tuesday PM. I worked out Monday night so now I am wiped-out again. I am not donating plasma again until Thursday because their schedule is screwed-up so they lose out on the big bucks they are undoubtedly making from my plasma.

I may or may not get to go to an advanced screening of the film Waiting For Superman that I told you about a week or two ago. I really hope I make the grade (pun intended). I want to actually review a movie that hasn't come out yet so it is an actual movie review. It's the documentary I was blogging you about showing how America's educational system is way behind in the World. Some proceeds from the film go to help fix the problem with America's eduction system. No matter what we should all make an effort to see this film. Make a pledge to see this film!

Tuesday is upon us. I told you that Monday would be over before you knew it. This is the Tuesday when I finally win that darn lottery. I know I keep saying that but eventually I have to be right, right? No? If I win this Tuesday I am going to try to arrange for our own Matt In The Middle screening of Waiting For Superman by donating a portion of my winnings to the cause. Maybe by making this pledge someone (Bill Gates or Oprah) will rig it so 1, 2, 12, 14, 22 and mega number 5 are drawn Tuesday night. Keep your stuff crossed. I'll blog you again from the Middle Mattgarita Ranch soon. Until then take your shoes off...y'all come back now y'hear? TTTT...MITM :)

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